Chapter Twenty Nine: Kiax City

Start from the beginning

Cass didn't push any more, but only squeezed his upper arm and traced circles on the fabric of his blacks that poked out between his armor.

"Hm," Cass pursed her lips and nodded knowingly. "Well I'm sure everyone misses the rain too."

Tech gulped and glanced at Cass to see if she was indeed insinuating what he thought, but by that time, they were caught up with the group and she was already calling out to his siblings.

"What do you wanna do now Omega?" Cass peered up at the child as she and Tech released their hands and approached the huddled bunch.

"I wanna go in the bar!" she cheered.

"You want to? Or your brothers?" Cass shifted her weight to her other hip and squinted at the group.

Echo raised his hands innocently. "I mean if the kid wants to get a couple drinks, I'm not gonna object-"

"She's ten," Cass deadpanned and gestured at the child with a flippant hand.

"Omega, do you wanna go in the bar with us or stay out here with Cassi?" The largest clone pulled Omega off her perch and rested her in the glistening snow.

"Wrecker-" Cass whined.

"I wanna go in the bar!" Omega raised her fists in the air, then winced in the Jedi's direction. "Sorry Cassi."

Cass palmed her face and threw her hands up. "It's fine...just no drinks for you," Cass teased then ruffled Omega's hair as they wandered into the bar.

"Come on shiny, let's get you some bantha chai," Echo grinned and rested an hand on Omega's back.

"That sounds delicious, but," she leaned over and cupped a hand near her mouth, "there's no alcohol right?"

Echo chuckled and shook his head as they entered the brightly lit bar. Everything was pristine and white from floor to ceiling, no dirt or broken bottles or drunken patrons lying around. The interior closely resembled the snowfall outside, which prompted some relief from the group as they rounded up at a table in the corner.

Tech slid into the booth, followed by Cass and Omega. The other three mirrored them on the opposite side of the table.

"I'll get everyone drinks, this round is on me!" Wrecker elated.

"You don't have the credits, I do," Hunter chuckled lowly and peered up at his brother.

"This round is on Hunter!" Wrecker corrected and held out his hands for the sergeant to relay the money.

Wrecker held the credits close to his chest and dashed towards the Lutrillian behind the rounded bar counter. The bartender filled five short glasses with ice and clear liquid, then added a mug of dark tea for Omega.

He made a few trips back and forth to set all the cups down, then finally rested in the white leather booth. Wrecker took a big gulp of the alcohol while Echo and Hunter only sipped.

Tech raised his glass to his lips but stopped short when Cass didn't take her drink.

"Is...everything alright?" he leaned over and set his glass down.

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