"If you continue to be ignorant young lady, your presence coming here is all a matter of waste of time. Go on. Banish yourself from this filthy place already. My life was already over after those monsters I have witnessed in that fight." He ultimately said as the woman with red hair tied beautifully in braids across her long hair reached her hand to the doorknob.

As she left the building, Hamilton, a tomboyish woman, who joined her so-called Rose-Order of Knights, greeted her with a wave, together with a bald man dressed in roman armor preparing the horses for the knights.

"My lady, where are we heading? You have not answered my question while we went all the way to this place." Hamilton asked the leader of the Rose of Knights.

"Hamilton... Did you not trust your mistress like how you trust me?" She smirked as she looked at Hamilton.

"M-hm, but.." She tried to say anything but is interrupted by the hand of the lady that groped her chest.

"I was checking if you are actually a boy, hee hee... Anyway, we are heading to Italica. The enemies of Alnus might plan to invade this city. Bring more men as well. Call more reinforcements along the way.." She said as she placed her hand on her chin, creating a plan to deal with this new threat.

After creating a plan in her head, she rode her horse prepared by the bald man, as well as her other companions, as they cross the bridge following the road to Italica.

Three days later


"My lady, we have finally arrived at Italica. I'm sure the city will welcome you with open arms." The bald man dressed in roman armor said as the group of Pina slowed their horses, approaching the entrance gate of Italica

The guards dressed in full iron armor, holding their spears upwards, opened the gate of the city, allowing the Rose-Order of Knights to pass through the town.

As their horses galloped to the castle of Italica to have a meeting with the countess of the clan, Myui, the current head of the clan, knowing that her own father has passed away during the Slaughter of Alnus Hill. Her older sisters were competing over who would become her guardian.

Looking at the place, people on the streets have been showing different injuries as if there is a fight in the place. Some women were tending the wounds of their men, while there are also children as young as ten holding weapons of different sorts looked at the knight and bowed at her respectfully.

"This place is strange; everyone seems to be on edge, my lady," Hamilton said to Pina as they approached the castle.

"It certainly does look like they have been fighting for a while. We must head to the castle now. They need our help," She said as the whole group galloped to the castle.

"Lady Myui, it is an honor to meet you." The group knelt at the countess, sitting on the throne guarded by the two older sisters of her.

"What's the situation out here?" Hamilton asked the two who guarded the countess.

"This place has become more dangerous than before. Public safety is out of concern; crime has risen higher than before, now bandits have banded together to take our city. We need your help right now and all men that you have gathered. Luckily, they have not pushed through the first defense, and you are luckier than even the guards have recognized you as well." One of the older sisters responded.

"Bahh. If father did not die, none of this would have happened. You're lucky that we have to stand together just to fight some barbarians who deserted during the battle of Alnus."

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