Chapter 3: The Slaughter of Alnus Hill

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In the Grim Darkness of the Far Future. THERE IS ONLY WAR.

For millennia, the Imperium of man has been finding civilizations throughout the whole universe, resulting in millions and millions of planets found with human civilizations, unifying every one of these planets to bring down together those who may stand against them, which has helped the Imperium grow to a size.

While the rotting Emperor sits on his mechanical throne, waiting for nothing but time to flow, his people continued to worship him as a religious figure throughout the galaxy.

Every Sisters of battle, every Guardsmen, every troops of the Imperium shouts the Emperor's name to guide them throughout the fight against the T'au, the xenos, the Aeldars, Tyranids, and others that stand in their way.

For every human civilization found, humanity rejoices. For each and every individual will be a great asset in the war of Humanity against these heretics.

Camp of the Allied Kingdoms

"This is preposterous! I want to lead my men towards the Empire's enemy and bring honor to my noble family. We come from a family of nobles rightfully protecting the empire through the Arctec War. I want to raise my swords and charge up ahead against those who stand in their way. Why can't we do that?" A young, and soft looking noble wearing armors that seem too bulky for the young man bashed the wooden table that consists of a map, figures that symbolizes the geography and the location of the enemy of the Empire, and figures that seem to be the location of the current Allied Forces.

"Patience, young knight. We need to know first our enemy's movement and how they deal with our allies before we charge our men towards the battlefield. Wait until our scouts inform us of the situation and then we start moving." A large, bulky man, wearing armor in a color of brown, points and moves around the figurines in the map closer to the locations of the enemy.

"But my lord! That shows cowardice! I do not want to be branded as a coward and use mere underhanded tactics that might destroy the honor of my family!" Agitated the young noble.

"It is not about your honor, young knight. It is how we succeed in battle." Another battle-hardened knight rebutted, a leader of the Alguna, dressed in green armor.

"I will forget that you have merely disrespected my position as a noble, since you are of a rank lower than mine by interrupting, but we have already succeeded in many battles by charging head-on against those barbarians who we have fought along the sides of the Empire." The young noble merely irritated by the fact that he was interrupted by another commander, still believing that his honor still stand even through the upcoming battlefield.

"Young knight, we do not know yet our enemy. The gods know what might be coming to us. For there is something different about these enemies that we will fight."

"Nonsense! This is nothing but shameless displays of dishonors done. Having to hear this from our commander, I will ready my men right away and we will march towards them by dawn."

"Have you not known on how extremely unruly your behavior you are displaying right now? You may be a son of nobles, and from a family of knights, but this is war. Your ranks and nobility will be stripped off in the battlefield. You cannot defy my command, and you should not. Having to be shamelessly criticized by nothing but a mere twig that has fallen off a branch to tell me is downright unjust. Fine! Have it your way. Do not expect me to see you come back with your tail between your legs." The irritation that has been building up upon King Duran of Elbe.

The young knight noble left the tent and kicked the ground, throwing dirt that leaves a trail of smoke. This poor young knight has immediately seen his demise right after that.

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