"Okay, you can look." He smiles: "If we didn't have things to do today, I would be taking this off of you right now" he pulls on the straps of the tank top. I lightly push him away, "Well we better get going."

I drive the both of us to John B's, we had plans to meet there, discuss the plan and melt the gold down. Kie melted the gold, and JJ had to pawn it off that was the plan. It had to go smoothly and to put it frankly it did not. The pawnshop 'didn't have the cash' so we had to go to some warehouse to get the money. The plan went even more down hill when we got pulled over, "Um guys I can not get in trouble with the cops, my dad will kill me." My heart was pounding something wasn't right. I was right, it wasn't a cop we were being robbed, he forced out of the car. I could tell JJ was about to do something stupid, but then John B ran into the dudes car and that's when shit hit the fan. JJ and John B caught him by surprise attacking him. The rest of us joined in and we got him to sit down on the ground. All of a sudden JJ hit him, I had never seen him like that. I knew that this was going to be dangerous,  but I just realized just how dangerous it was going to be. I was in such shock I couldn't speak, I sat in the back of the Twinkie as JJ robbed the drug dealer. They were all fighting and I felt terrible because I just couldn't speak. As he walked away I snapped out of it and tried to go after him, "JJ wait" but they all stopped me. Kie shook her head at me, "Let him go okay". All of a sudden I just couldn't handle the pressure of this all, I looked at them: "Look guys I'm really sorry, I need to- I need to go home." John B tried to reassure me, "Look he will come around, okay. Don't worry about it." Sarah nodded, "Yeah, everything is going to be fine. We will figure out what to do with the gold and you can go home to help your dad with the banquet."

I drove home and still couldn't shake the feeling that something that wasn't right. I drove by the country club and saw Barry, that drug dealer fighting with Rafe and his friends. I slowed my car down and pulled over to watch. Why is Barry fighting with Rafe after he just messed with us? As Barry pulled out of the country club, Rafe saw me. Shit. He mentioned something to Topper and then walked towards me. "Look who it is." I tried to roll my window up but he put his arm in the way, "Leave me alone Rafe" He smirked, "You're friends with Sarah right?" before I had a chance to answer he spoke again, "That's what I thought. Now, what were you and your little friends doing stealing from a drug dealer?" I moved my arm to put the car in drive, but he reached through the window and grabbed my wrist. "Now I may not know your name, but I do know where you live. I don't think you were the one who needed the money. So you are going to tell me who did and where they are." He squeezed my arm harder. I quickly shifted my body moving my legs towards the window and kicking in the chest, pushing him off the car: "Go to hell, Rafe Cameron!" I snarked as I drove off. You could see the marks where he grabbed me on my arm, I could tell that they were going to bruise. What was his problem?

I reached my house and sucked in a sharp breath preparing for the madness inside. I texted JJ just to check up on him, "Hey are you okay? Come to my house if you want to talk. I understand if you need some space, just text me when you are ready. I'm here to listen :)"

I rushed upstairs to my room in order to avoid unwanted questions about my arm and where I was. As I entered my room it was like the dress was mocking me with it's presence. It was a gorgeous dress and I wasn't going to put it to waste, I just had to make some changes.

I could hear the house fill with people and my hands began to shake. I was just waiting to see if any of my friends were going to make when Kiara texted, "Odette I'm sorry Pope and I aren't going to make it something happened. I know tonight's a big night for your family so don't worry about it right now." Before I had a chance to respond John B and Sarah cancelled too. What was going on that they didn't want me to be involved in. Why were they leaving me. And just like that the room caved in. I couldn't breathe. I just wanted it stop. I can't. I just. Need to. Breathe. Breathe. Bre.. Br.. B-
I collapsed into the bed unable to get control over my body and calm my emotions.

Illicit Affairs // Rafe Cameron // JJ // ObxWhere stories live. Discover now