Barbara laughed, "You can check with Harvey. If not, just get some Cokes from the fridge in the break room."

Jules made a clicking noise with her tongue, making finger guns at the same time as she backed out of the room with a grin. Blair was just surprised that she didn't manage to bump into anything on her way out.

The minute Jules was out of the room, Barbara leaned forward, a serious and concerned expression on her face, "Things okay with you?"

"Yeah." Blair nodded. Barbara had been checking in with her almost every single hour on the hour since she moved back into her place, but she didn't mind. She had actually gotten used to living with Barbara again for that short period of time she had lived at the manor. Now, she actually kind of missed her. "Bruce and Alfred are out of town on League business so it's just me and Jason right now."

"At least you two get a break right?"

"I doubt it." Blair shrugged. "We still have to patrol."

"Yeah, but that doesn't take all night." She reminded her as she sat back, something that Blair hadn't even thought of. "You can just set the alarm."

Blair nodded, opening her mouth to say something, when she felt something shift, something wasn't right. Not with her, but with someone else. Barbara tilted her head in confusion, "Blair?"

Blair put a hand on her chest, sitting up straight, taking her feet off the desk, "Something's happened."

"What?" Barbara glanced around the office, before looking back at her. "What are you talking about?"

The more she focused on it, on the feeling, the darker and more twisted it felt. Even worse, it seemed to be growing, pushing against resistance, a resistance that was growing weaker the longer the darkness pushed. It was suffocating, twisting her head around; she could only imagine what he was going through.

"It's Dick." She breathed. She didn't know how she knew, she didn't even know how she could feel it in the first place, but she knew. "I don't— I don't know— I— something is off. I can't explain it. Something's just—"

"Hey, hey." Barbara leaned forward, grabbing her hand. "What's going on?"

The second Barbara touched her hand, the feeling disappeared, almost like it hadn't existed in the first place. If it hadn't had been so strong, Blair would've just thought she was finally losing her sanity, but it was there. It was real.. wasn't it?

"I just felt—" She paused, shaking her head. "I think I'm going to call him. Maybe this is just sleep deprivation or something."

"Yeah." Barbara nodded. "Yeah, go ahead."

Before Blair could stand up, Jules walked back in with a small stack of cups and a half empty bottle of whiskey. "I found booze and cups!" She announced, waving the whiskey triumphantly. "Harvey will want it back though so maybe getting some sodas from the vending machines is a good idea." She stopped, glancing between Barbara and Blair in confusion. "What's going on? What's wrong?"

Blair shook her head, finally moving to the door, "Nothing. Nothing's wrong." Jules narrowed her eyes, standing in her path, not buying it. "I just want to check in on Dick. That's all."

"Oh, okay." Jules softened, rolling her shoulders back. "Tell him I said hello. I'll pour you a glass and we'll toast when you're done."

"Thanks, Jules." Blair smiled gratefully, kissing her on the cheek. "Be back in a sec."

She walked out of Barbara's office, leaning against the wall by the door as she took out her phone. Luckily, it was a slow day at the office, meaning it was noisy enough to cover her call, but quiet enough that she could hear herself think for once. As a matter of fact, Gotham had been quiet since the death of Gordon, almost like the whole city along with its villains had gone into a brief period of mourning.

Knight Wolf and Little Robin {Jason Todd} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now