Chasing Waves (The White Lotus)

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Title: Chasing Waves

Status: Available

Universe: The White Lotus

Love Interest: Quinn Mossbacher

OC Name: Nalani Kamealoha

Face Claim: Ava Jules

Summary: In which a local surfer girl falls for a vacationing boy

Extended Summary: Surfing had always been an escape for Nalani no matter how bad things would get in her life. When she meets a boy staying at a local resort in her area, he may be the third interesting thing about her summer.


-She lives around the corner from the White Lotus resort

-Nalani is Hawaiian (please write her accurately!)

-Nalani met Quinn while she was surfing at the beach and he was snorkeling with his dad (in the first episode).

-She is an animal lover and would sometimes, help baby turtles in to the ocean.

-She has a habit of helping others more than helping herself

-At one point, Nalani teaches Quinn how to surf

-Nalani lives with her single mother and two siblings and comes from a working class up bringing

-Nalani is kind-hearted, but she's also headstrong

-You can add some additional AU scenes if you'd like

-She sits with the Mossbacher's during the dinner at the luau show and mid-way through the white privilege conversation, she gets uncomfortable and leaves. Later, Quinn apologizes about that night.

-You can decide when should they kiss (if you want them to), just don't make the build-up to the moment too rushed.

-Nalani works at a snow cone shack off of the resort and would visit Quinn after her shift or on her day off. There are also days where she would sit at the beach with him at night and watch the waves.

-Don't make the relationship rushed

-On one of her last days with Quinn, she joins him in kayaking with the native kayakers.

-She gets along well with Olivia and Paula

-Their final goodbye should be sweet and somewhat emotional

-They should reunite by the end since Quinn ends up staying in Hawaii with the kayakers

Plot Shop *Rewritten*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang