Weird Girl* (Dustin Henderson)

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Title: Weird Girl*

Status: Available

Faceclaim(s): Lia Pappas-Kemps and Tye Sheridan

Name(s): Lydia and Henry Shepard

Season: 1-4*

Love Interest: Dustin Henderson and Nancy Wheeler

Plot Summary: Lydia Shepard is an outlier in Hawkins Middle due to her eccentric personality. She often did things such as wear colorful clothes and randomly play her keyboard during lunch. When her only friend, Dustin invites her to watch him and his friends play D&D, little did she know, that one faithful night ends up getting her(and soon her brother) involved in a wild adventure.


-Lydia is a little like Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter

-She has a colorful sense of fashion and likes making costumes

-Her and Henry are half-Greek

-Her and Henry come from a large family since they have five other siblings(an older sister, twin little brother and sister, and a baby sister)

-Their mom is a masseuse and is kind of a hippie-type character. Their dad's occupation can be something for you to decide

-Lydia and Dustin are inseparable and have been that way since fourth grade.

-Lydia has certain quirky traits such as calling her friends by pet names (ex: "Peace out, Hobbits").

-Mike finds her annoying at first, but towards the end of season 1, he grows to like her.

-She's not as close to Will as the others, but has had a few interactions with Will before the night of the disappearance.

-She's fascinated with Greek mythology

-You can decide how she helps fighting the demogorgan

-Dustin and Lydia get together by the end of season 2 and she ends up dancing with him during the snowball scene.

-In this, Suzie is his friend

-In season 3, her mom loses her job due to Mayor Kline opening the mall and that causes her and her dad to have financial issues.

-Her and Robin are brotp

-Lydia is sweet, but she also doesn't take by shit

-Henry ends up hanging out at Steve's house with him, Tommy, Carol, Barb, and Nancy.*

-When he was the last to leave, he ends up witnessing the demogorgan take Barb

-His and Lydia's relationship is almost like a typical bickering, sibling relationship, but he gets defensive when someone talks bad about her or picks on her.

-Henry and Nancy were childhood friends who drifted apart once she started hanging out with Steve, Tommy, and Carol.

-He ends up tagging along with Nancy and Jonathan on their "monster hunting" expedition.

-Henry's pretty kept-to-himself and doesn't consider himself as someone who fits in with the popular crowd nor the outsiders.

-You can continue on to season 3(and 4 when it comes out) if you'd like.

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