
16 4 0

~∆ This chapter may be triggering to some, it contains mentions of scars and self harm, please proceed with caution ∆~

His eyes were the same color as his hair and he had a bit of stubble across his jawline, he had a pretty strong jawline, his nose had a bandage over it and looked like it might be broken. I had to admit he looked pretty attractive, a lot better looking than what I expected, he smiled and raised an eyebrow at me "You stare an awful lot." I stuck my tongue out at him and he chuckled "Alright, your turn to answer." I sighed and nodded "Ok, I guess it's only fair, right?" I looked down as I started to fidget with my hands


I explained to Masky everything in full detail, the abuse, the pain, and then my dad's death, I would pause every once in a while and take a shaky breath or laugh nervously to try and stop myself from panicking again. The entire time I spoke, Masky sat patiently and listened to my every word carefully, he nodded every once in awhile to show he was still listening. I finished and tugged at my pant legs, I didn't like showing my legs because of the cigarette burn scars, I had some on my arms and sides as well, which is why I always wore long sleeve and pants in public even in the summertime

Masky sighed softly before moving a bit closer to me, he crossed his arms and looked down at my hands "That must have been very traumatizing, especially for a little kid." His tone was softer than usual and almost sounded sympathetic, I started to scratch at my wrist "It didn't help that my mother refused to admit any of it ever happened... At one point she actually made me believe it was all in my head." I laughed nervously as I continued to scratch at my wrist

I felt like crying again, in fact I felt like curling up into a ball and crying, I was so distracted that I didn't realize I'd scratched so much I was starting to bleed, Mask grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away from my other wrist "That's not healthy to do." He gripped my wrist a bit tightly and looked at me with a serious expression. I looked down at my wrist and then at him, he sighed and let go of my wrist "Don't do that, don't hurt yourself." I laughed nervously and rubbed my arm

He groaned and rubbed his temple "Don't do it again then." I nodded "I'm not promising you though, 'cause then I'll feel bad if I break the promise.." I looked down and he scoffed "I'd never make anybody promise something like that." I looked up at him and smiled softly, he was easy to talk to and even though he was super strict, sarcastic and even a bit rude sometimes, he still had his moments where he could be so extremely kind to me

He listened to me, he understood me, he empathized with me, he tried to help me, he had done more for me in two weeks than my friend Pam had in two years. It was stupid of me to trust him so easily, and maybe I'm naive for it, but either way I didn't care, even if in the end he did decide to kill me, I'd be ok with that. He smiled softly and ruffled my hair "I gotta go, I'll see you when I see you." And with that he stood up and left

I sighed and looked down, I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I pulled my pants down to expose my legs and the many now small burn scars on my thighs, I pulled my shirt up to expose my side covered in the same burn marks, I pulled my sleeves up to expose burn marks as well as lines from a razor blade

I pulled my shirt and sleeves down and put my pants back on. I made my way back to my room and sat down at my desk, I grabbed out my notebook and pencil and decided to write, this time I decided to write about Masky. I smiled as I wrote about him, he was strange yet that only made him more interesting, he was mysterious and secretive as well which only made me want to know more

I wanted to know everything but knew I probably would never get all the answers. Even so I was happy whenever he did answer my questions, which there was only one question he avoided, everyday I would ask what his real name is and he would always tell me to ask a different question. I didn't question it and just asked another question, but it only made me more curious

𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 {𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚢 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum