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(Y/N) awakes with a groan, placing a hand on his head to help soothe his splitting headache. He then remembered everything that happened. Him breaking off his antler and Yang performing first-aid on him. The boy looked around from atop the bunk bed and saw Yang sitting at her desk, changed out of her uniform and into a t-shirt and pajama pants, watching a video on her scroll. "Yang?" (Y/N) said tiredly, rubbing the sleep out of his puffy (E/C) eyes.

"(Y/N)!" Yang replied, spinning around in her chair. She quickly got up and climbed onto the bed, sitting next to her smaller friend. "How are you feeling?" The dragoness asked, ruffling (Y/N)'s (H/C) hair with a surprising gentleness. The jackalope then curled his fingers in response.

"Well... I can feel my fingers again." (Y/N) chuckled lightly and looked up at Yang. "I didn't wanna scare you like that. I just thought that if I didn't have the antlers... I'd just be a regular rabbit. Less of a freak, you know?" (Y/N) explained.

"I guess I can understand that thought process. But still, you can't just go and mutilate yourself like that. If I hadn't found you when I did, you would've bled to death. I care about you too much to lose you." Yang finally said, surprising (Y/N). She really cared about him like that? "So is that gonna heal or is it gonna leave a scar?" Yang asked.

"Oh, don't worry. It'll grow back over the next few weeks. But thanks. I really care about you too." (Y/N) said, a light blush on his cheeks. Yang then tossed an arm around his shoulders and pulled the boy into a hug. "Thanks a lot for, you know, saving my life. I owe you." He laughed as he returned Yang's hug.

"Don't worry about it, (Y/N)! Here, you can pay me back by never doing that again. Sound good?" Yang joked. (Y/N) chuckled as he nodded, Yang's hand ruffling his hair.

"Well now that I'm not about to die, I need to tell you something. I've kinda wanted to tell you for a while now, but I couldn't find a good time." The jackalope Faunus said, scratching at one of his ears. "Uh... Yang... I really like you." (Y/N) finally said, a heavy blush dusting his face as he couldn't help but look away. It was then that the sun dragon turned his chin to look back up at her and she smiled. Yang leaned in and pressed her lips into his, much to (Y/N)'s surprise as his ears shot straight up. This passionate kiss lasted for several seconds before Yang released (Y/N) and he simply stared at her, wide eyed and unable to suppress a big happy smile.

"I really like you too, (Y/N). And you're not a freak. I think your antlers are really cool!" Yang said, lightly shaking (Y/N)'s head by his remaining antler. She then placed a hand on his cheek and looked into his (E/C) eyes. "You're not a freak, and anyone who says otherwise is gonna get a mouthful of my fist!" Yang declared, hugging (Y/N) tightly, almost like a teddy bear.

"I love you, Yang." (Y/N) said happily as he hugged her back, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Love you too, (Y/N)." The dragon giggled. (Y/N) then jumped down from the bed and stretched his arms and legs before cracking his neck and back. "Well you seem like you're feeling better!" Yang laughed at her new boyfriend as he looked back at her with his usual big smile on his face. "There's the (Y/N) I know!" She smiled.

"My head does feel kinda lopsided though." The boy joked as Yang came down from the bunk bed. "So what now? Wanna go train or something?" (Y/N) asked and Yang nodded in response as she also stretched. And so the new couple left the dorm room together headed for Beacon's gym, eventually meeting up with the rest of team RWBY, or just RWB.

"Hey, g- Oh my God, (Y/N) what happened to you!?" Ruby screamed, rushing up to (Y/N) and grabbing him by the face to see his injury. He appreciated that she was worried about him but this was a little much.

"Ruby! I'm fine! I'm okay!" The jackalope said, though his words were muffled from Ruby squeezing his cheeks. The silver eyed girl released her death grip on (Y/N) and he noticed both Weiss and Blake also staring at him in concern. "Guys, really. I'm okay. Yang patched me up." He said.

"What happened?" Asked the other Faunus present. (Y/N) suddenly froze. He then started to answer until Yang jumped in.

"He fought an ursa!" Yang yelled. "I saw the whole thing. (Y/N) was jumping around, bouncing off of trees, and the ursa was trying to hit him but it was too slow! He was about to finish it off but the ursa got a hit on him right as he was going for the killing blow! It hit him in the head so hard his antler broke off! But don't worry, though. I saved the day with a 'Yang'!" The blonde finished with one of her classic puns.

"My hero." (Y/N) joked, secretely thanking any diety that came to mind that his girlfriend was willing to cover for him like that. "Yeah, at one point Yang had to carry me because I nearly passed out from the blood loss. But don't worry, it'll grow back!" He explained, much to RWB's relief. The two then continued on toward the gym. "Thank you!" (Y/N) mouthed at Yang to which she just laughed.


A few weeks later and (Y/N) and Yang were now officially dating. (Y/N) had been in general just a lot happier since he started dating Yang, despite a threat of broken legs from Ruby. His antler was growing back and was currently just a spike. Yeah, it looks weird next to his other fully grown antler but hey, it's growing back. He was currently training when he heard Yang pull up on her motorcycle. "(Y/N)!" She yelled as she entered the gym.

"Hey, babe! Is it 7 already?" (Y/N) asked as he wiped his forehead and gave his girlfriend a hug. Yang then leaned down and gave her smaller boyfriend a kiss.

"Yup. Thought I'd come pick you up." She said. Yang then looked at (Y/N)'s spike. "You're healing up good!" The dragoness commented, smiling as she ruffled his hair. "Now let's get going. You need a shower." She laughed as she took his hand.

"Oh, wait! I've actually got something for you!" (Y/N) said as he looked through his gym bag. "There it is!" He said happily, pulling something out of the bag. He turned around and handed Yang a knife. It was a large drop-point knife with a dragon engraving on one side of the blade and an engraving of an antler on the other. Its most distinctive feature however, was its handle. It was antler. "I made it for you! I used the antler I broke off that day for the handle. I wanted to give you something that would always let you have a bit of me with you." (Y/N) explained as Yang examined the weapon intently. "I can't really think of anything more 'me' than one of my body parts!" The Faunus laughed, receiving a chuckle from his girlfriend.

"I love it." Yang said, smiling as she looked over the blade. The two then walked out to Yang's motorcycle. "Love you, (Y/N)." Yang said as they both got on the bike.

"Love you too, Yang." He replied with a smile as he wrapped his arms around Yang's waist from his seat behind her. And with that, the pair rode back towards Beacon...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was my first story on Wattpad. I know it's short but I really hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm open to creative criticism as I wanna get better at writing. Please let me know what y'all thought in the comments!

Antlers (Yang Xiao Long x Male Jackalope Faunus Reader)Where stories live. Discover now