Standing Up To Bullies!

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"Please stop..." Said Velvet Scarlatina, a rabbit Faunus who was currently having her ears yanked by notorious Beacon bully, Cardin Winchester.

"See, guys? I told you they were real!" He laughed, pulling one more time on Velvet's ears. "What a freak!"

"Hey!" Yelled a voice a few tables over. Cardin and his team looked over to see (Y/N) standing on his table. (Y/N) then proceeded to take a massive leap from the table, landing right in front of the larger boy. "Release my fellow lagomorph!" The antlered and rabbit eared boy yelled. Cardin, in response, stared at (Y/N) dumbfounded.

"You're-" Cardin started, "You're joking, right?" He chuckled, cracking his knuckles. (Y/N)'s confident shit-eating grin remained though. (Y/N) simply raised his fists to his chin like a boxer as he hopped from one foot to the other. "Alright then. I'm gonna enjoy pounding your face in." The bully said before throwing a punch. It would've really hurt if (Y/N) hadn't effortlessly dodged by ducking.

"Too slow!" The jackalope Faunus laughed before throwing a punch of his own directly into Cardin's groin. He yelled in pain as he tried to grab (Y/N) but simply wasn't fast enough. (Y/N) then jumped towards the table and sprung off the edge backwards, twisting his body to punch Cardin on top of the head.

"You little shit!" Cardin yelled as he managed to grab (Y/N) by one of his antlers.

"Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!" (Y/N) yelled as he tried in vain to get out of Cardin's grip. Cardin readied a punch of his own until something grabbed his fist. Cardin looked over only to be met with a face full of knuckles as one Yang Xiao Long came to (Y/N)'s rescue.

"Pick on someone your own size!" The bombastic blonde snorted as Cardin picked himself up off the ground.

"W-Whatever! You got lucky, you little freak!" The larger boy yelled as he ran away, tail between his legs.

'Freak'. A word that (Y/N) was very familiar with. All his life he'd heard that word thrown at him. Now, (Y/N) doesn't let words hurt him, but like with all things, they build up. His smile, if even for a moment, dropped as he looked on. Though Yang's hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder brought him back to reality and he smiled again.

"Thanks, Yang." (Y/N) looked up at her before turning around to Velvet. "You alright there, cottontail?" He asked to which the rabbit Faunus nodded with a slight smile.

"Nice Planet of the Apes reference. That was clever." Velvet giggled. (Y/N) gave a thumbs up and walked out of the cafeteria. What's weird about this is that (Y/N) never walked anywhere. He would either run full speed or hop like a kangaroo on crack. "What's the matter with him?" Velvet asked.

"I don't know. But I'm gonna find out." Yang replied as she started to follow behind the smaller boy.


Back in (Y/N)'s dorm, he sat in front of a mirror, his smile gone and a serious expression on his face. Thinking about what Cardin said.

"Freak". He couldn't get it out of his head and he didn't know why. It had never bothered him before so what the hell?! That was when the dam broke. (Y/N) started to tear up and his breathing had sped up considerably.

"I... I am a freak..." The boy said, staring at his own reflection. It was then he got an idea....

Antlers (Yang Xiao Long x Male Jackalope Faunus Reader)Where stories live. Discover now