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Note- Bold is me and Normal font is interviewee.

Here is another fun Interview of everyone's favorite . I think you will enjoy reading it.

So, lets welcome our Guest for today.

Hello ShwethaRajkumar! Nice to meet you. Welcome to 'Tea with Tanya'. It is my pleasure to have you join us. Have a cup of tea.

Well.. Thank you so much Tanya! I love tea.... Not Amrit chai ;)

Don't make me remember Amrit chai please.

No promises!

My first Question is- What's your name and from where are you and what is your age? *takes a sip from my cup*

My name is Shwetha. Am from Southern of India. Well age.... old enough to vote! 

So, age a secret. Ok


How did you find Wattpad? How has your experience been so far?

SaiRat led me here! I was searching for some good fanfics on SaiRat. One led to other... I landed here, first as a reader...
Now as a amateur writer! My experience here is wonderful! People here are so supportive and encouraging!

Yup! Its true. Everyone here is so loving.

So true!

Which was your first book? What was the response? Did you like it or not?

My first book was SaiRat- Stories. Its a collection of few onshots and a small story Standing for you. Response was wonderful! I never expected this much response, that too for my first book. I was surprised and elated. My happiness couldn't be explained in words!

Would you mind sharing your favorite author and favorite book on Wattpad? 

ArJ463 she is my favorite author here. Well I could say you too!
 My fav book is ArJ463 's first book, Match made in heaven! I love all her works, but this has a special place in my heart!

Mee?? Seriously?? Blushing...


What has been your best and worst experience on Wattpad?

Best experience... Response for my second book "Second chance to... Life and love" this one has some really controversial topics, but I didn't expect this much response for discussing those topics.
 Worst.... When one writer here copied my story! 

As a fanfiction writer what ship you write most about? And which your favourite couple?

Well... I don't watch TV that much. So right now... I write about SaiRat.
My fave couple is... AnYa from the serial Navya

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