During the afternoon Zendaya called Rory to suggest a girls night, seeing that they haven't hung out for a while without Tom or Harrison being there too. Rory was deep into grocery shopping when she received the call from her friend and immediately gave in to the proposition. She was about to go home and bake a cake for Sebastian anyways, doing it drunk with Daya to keep her company is a thousand times better.

One thing that not so many people knows about Aurora Downey is that she genuinely loves baking. Not to mention she's rather good at it too. So it's not a surprise to her curly haired friend to find the girl already covered in flour and the kitchen in a state of chaos. An organized chaos, but chaos nonetheless.

After getting over the initial urge to laugh at the blonde mess of a human, Zendaya settles down at the kitchen island and watches Rory meticulously assemble Sebastian's birthday cake. Only after opening a bottle of wine and handing a glass of it to Aurora too though.

"So how are you feeling, really?" Z urges her to spill her guts.

"Right now? A little overwhelmed with the birthday preparations but great overall. I hope Sebby will like his cake though, I've been slaving over it for hours now" she chuckles.

"I'm sure he's gonna love it Rors, you don't have to worry about that." Daya ensures her "But I meant more like how are you doing generally."

Rory sighs and takes a break in rolling out the fondant. She swipes the back of her hand over her forehead, trying to get rid of a strand of her hair that keeps falling into her face before taking a sip of wine.

"I mean, I'm doing alright I guess. Filming's hectic but that's probably cause we're almost finished with it anyway so.." she answers "Dad and Susan are doing great, the kids are lovely as always so everything's gucci"

"Good, that's good. I'm happy for you Rory, it really seems like you're doing better" Zendaya smiles softly at her friend.

"I am Z, I really am. Of course getting shit thrown at me online still gets me feeling a little down sometimes, but other than that im genuinely happier"

Aurora can't help but think about a certain tall, devilishly handsome British man who's responsible for her recent upgrade in mood and a smile appears on her face subconsciously, which doesn't go unnoticed.

"That smile there" Daya points to Rory's face "What's going on with that? That's not a simple 'life is great' kinda smile, you're thinking about someone and I know it!"

"Shut up Z, can't I just be happy without a reason?" she laughs.

"Of course you can, but it's not the case and you know it. Don't try to bullshit me." she tilts her head.

"Think what you wanna think, I ain't admitting shit" Rory cackles.

"Oh come ooon" comes a whine from her friend "I wanna know all about mister tall british and handsome. Are you legit a thing now or what?" Daya laughs.

Aurora almost drops the rolling pin from her hands upon hearing that. She for sure wasn't expecting Zendaya to call her out on this.

"Am I really that fucking easy to read?" she questions.

"BITCH are you for real?? I was kidding but oh my god" Zendaya barks out laughing "This is amazing, you should've seen your face" she wipes a tear from the corner of her eye dramatically.

"Oh shit. I've been busted" Rory almost facepalms but realizes her hands are covered in powdered sugar so she leans on the counter and hangs her head low, chuckling in defeat instead.

"Damn straight"

"You're literally the only person who knows so for the love of god, please keep your mouth shut." she pleads.

"Of course babes, your secret's safe with me." Daya promises "But you have to spill now! Finally I get why you were all mushy and happy all of the sudden." she shifts on the barstool to sit up straight, resting her chin in her palms and looks at Rory curiously.

"He's literally amazing Z, no-one made me feel like this before." she sighs "I guess Hey Violet's right, guys my age don't know how to treat me" she giggles.

"Does he know how to touch you and love you good?" Zendaya recites the lyrics, wiggling her brows at Rory suggestively.

"I wouldn't know, we haven't gone that far yet. But oh boy, he does make my knees go weak. Period."

"The fuck you're waiting for then? Jump into bed with him asap, I'm sure you won't regret it" Z laughs.

Rory send her a pointed look before answering.

"It's not like I'm waiting for anything. You know I let my insecurities get the best of me sometimes" she mumbles.

"Oh babes." Daya gets up from her spot to walk over to Aurora and rubs her back comfortingly "You are literally gorgeous as hell and if he doesn't see it he's a fool. Although I'm pretty sure he'd worship the ground you walk on if you'd let him"

Aurora doesn't want to cover her friend in flour and powdered sugar by hugging her, so she just steps closer and leans her head on the other girl's shoulder in appreciation.

"Thank you Z. I love you so much"

"I love you too Rors" she smiles.

After a few seconds Rory ends the silent moment by suddenly clapping her hands together.

"Now let me finish this damn cake before I get high from inhaling anymore of this powdered sugar" she says, making Zendaya erupt in laughter once again.

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