He looks at her face, spotting the tattoos, before watching as the eyes start to become bloodshot. "She's got internal bleeding, it's causing her abilities to go haywire." He warns, before looking at alpha. "That one, he's able to reverse overdrive." He says, whilst alpha remains asleep, laying on top of twisted. Sal snickers and looks away.

"Yeah no chance of getting him. You'll lose a arm." Saber laughs, as she looks over. Kioshi pauses, and looks back to omega, who remains in discomfort. He can feel hikaris gaze on him, as he lets go, stepping back, as some of the others start to move, waking up. 

"Jesus! I thought that was that masked bitch!" Dark yells, as she spots kioshi standing there, jolting veemy and venom awake. Kioshi sighs and drags his hand through his hair. 

"Because I'm the villain isn't it?" He mutters, as the rest wake up. Twisted throws alpha off in shock, making him fall down. He looks away, knowing he's overstepped his boundaries, making galaxy chuckle slightly.

"Twisted, it's obvious." She mutters, making twisted look at her in shock, knowing if she said anything, at least half the group would attack her. Alpha looks at galaxy, with confusion, as she laughs and looks at the rest, them also knowing what's going on. 

"Well Obviously." Berry says as kioshi looks around, spotting a various amount of looks. He sits down, and looks at omega. Twisted stands up and grabs alphas collar, dragging him back, before slamming him to sit down. The others sigh, as she sits next to him.

"I don't want anyones trust. I don't want to be with katsumi." Kioshi says, making saber spit out her water in shock. Sal and venom laugh at sabers reaction, as veemy giggles.  

"Nobody will trust you. So where are you getting at?" Twisted adds, whilst kioshi walks over and grabs alphas jaw, squishing his face as he looks at him carefully. Twisted looks over, and punches him in the face making kioshi stumble back. Alpha looks at twisted before she sits back down. 

Delta looks over, and gets stopped by berry who makes him sigh, guessing its for the best, so he smiles and sits back down, letting frosting jump onto his lap.he jolts and pats frosting, before kioshi looks at him. "I need your brother. To remove the overdrive." Kioshi says, making alpha look in fear, as kioshi grabs his collar. 

Delta and twisted pause, before twisted slams kioshi down, ignoring the others look of fear. "Don't even. Unlike you assholes, that's gonna kill alpha if he uses it." Twisted yells, as she stands up, looking at the group, not trusting their judgment. "Sakura is unstable, a bigger threat than alpha." Twisted added, making sal jump up and look at her, with frustration. "Call me the bad guy, I fucking dare you." Twisted smirks, pushing sal away. 

Sal looks at her with disgust, making the rest look at eachother with fear. Sal stays calm, as twisted laughs slightly. "Just because your over protective, doesn't mean drop the others. Shockingly I'm thinking of everyone's status." Twisted says, pointing finger guns to her head, before laughing. 

Kioshi steps back, whilst sal walks away. "what, can't fight me? Because your too weak? Or is it because your scared." She spits, making sal sigh, and pause. 

"No, it's because I see no point in fighting unless I'm threatened or feel the need to defend someone." Sal repiles, taking a seat, as twisted grins, before grabbing iris and aiming a knife to her throat. Everyone pauses, as sal looks at her with hate. 

"What about now, Sally." Twisted mutters, breathing down iris neck, as she remains frozen in shock. The rest stand their ground, knowing not to make a move. Sal breathes in, knowing twisteds behaviour. She grins and puts her mask up. 

"Don't yell at me if your wimpy ass gets beaten to next year's" sal says, moving swiftly and grabbing twisteds arm, breaking it behind her back, making her drop the knife.iris falls down, and runs back to the kitsune, as twisted laughs, throwing sal down, and blowing up her chest. 

Sal curses as she lays there. Twisted gets back up and walks to omega, who remains in agony, making sal grunt at get up, healing herself, whilst twisted crushes omegas throat, making hikari painfully try to get up and fail. Sal walks over to twisted and grab her hoodie, throwing her away, not seeing the point. 

Twisted grumbles and gets up, only to get stopped by Delta, who remains concerned. "Can we not start another fight." Delta mumbles, not wanting to make anyone else get hurt. Twisted pauses, but gives in, knowing Delta isn't usually a fighter. Sitting back down, and stays by alpha, in fear of anyone using his redacted ability. 

"So uh, what are we going to do?" Venom asks, trying to change the subject. The others don't reply, as sal makes sure omega is ok. Kioshi stands back up and looks at alpha, who remains scared.

"It's either, im killing that boy, or he sorts my daughter out." Kioshi says, making everyone pause.

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