“Why would someone torture his wife so brutally? Doesn’t he love his beautiful wife?”

“What are you thinking Carla?” Carla’s daze got broken with her words. She looked at her blank eyes to form some sentences.

“Why doesn’t he love you, Mam?”

“He does. Doesn’t he? Does he?” She asked both positive and negative questions one after another. What else she could expect from him? What else could she speak in front of the maid who was wondering about the relationship that a couple like them shares? A beautiful bond-like marriage turned out to be a deathly deal for her. For him? Did he lose something? Of course not. Why would he? He was always the gainer.

“Why does he keep other girls then?”

“Maybe I am not enough. I never was. I was and I am just a part of his desires.” Carla’s eyes widened hearing her words. She was new in this mansion. Before her two maids were killed and their bodies were found in pieces because they called the master a monster. When Carla was appointed to this job, she got to know about the fate of the previous maids. Since then she decided to keep her lips sealed. But seeing today’s brutality she failed to keep herself silent. She blurted out everything that she was holding for a long.

“Will you help me?” Carla froze at her place hearing what her mom spoke. She found herself standing in the middle of a fire. One imbalanced step and she would be burnt down. Either with guilt for not helping her or by the torturous death her master would give.

“Help… H…help... I mean…” Carla stammered looking with an ajar mouth to gulp down her remaining words.


“Mam... You know…..” Carla couldn’t finish her words when both of them heard a knock on the door. Carla walked towards the door to open it and saw one of the guards standing there. Plodding inside the room he examined her and Carla with a scrutinizing gaze.

“Move her to the secret room. We have a guest here. Boss wants her away from the room.”

“But she is injured. Moving her here and there would create more problems.” Carla tried to explain the situation.

“Boss won’t repeat his words. You need to reach the hall within twenty minutes after shifting her.” Saying so the guard left and Carla returned to her bed with a frown. She was frustrated and angry. Shifting an injured person would take more than twenty minutes. Cursing under her breath she walked toward her to help her to get up. She somehow managed to stand on her feet with Carla’s help. The moment her feet touched the cold floor a shiver ran through her body. She put some of her body weight on Carla and leaned on her shoulder.

“Carla, help me to escape.” A cracked voice came out that made Carla’s breath hitch. She looked at her and nodded her head in disapproval. How would she help her to escape?

Both of them moved away from the room and she somehow dragged her body. Walking toward the stairs she limped continuously to cover the distance. Reaching the secret room Carla pushed the door open and helped her to sit on the bed.

“Won’t you help?” She asked again when Carla saw a tear in her own eyes. Her heart cried without her own will. She looked at her miserable state and helped her to wear a jacket to stop her from shivering.

“The room will be locked by the guard as I don’t have the key. Maybe you have a few minutes to save yourself.” Carla didn’t wait after finishing her words and almost ran towards the door to leave the room. She was afraid of being tortured. None wants to die as so does she.

She looked around the room and took a deep breath. She knew if she would die succumbing to her injuries, that would be also fine. But no way she would be staying back in the same mansion anymore. She would take this chance to try her luck. The worst had already happened. There is nothing more to come as a disaster. With some clumsy steps, she dragged herself towards the door and peeked outside. The corridor was empty. She didn’t know who the guest had arrived but all she knew was that it was her chance to break free.

Limping through the corridor she reached a corner when she heard some footsteps. Definitely his men would be coming to check on her. She hid in a corner till the man passed through the area. Without thinking much she grabbed herself to run a bit. All those bandages on her body started to loosen up as she stretched her hands and legs in abrupt motions.

“Few more steps. Don’t stop till you reach the exit.” A pep talk she gave herself when she finally saw the backdoor. Luckily the guards were busy somewhere else or maybe welcoming his “Guest.” She thanked that unknown person who pushed herself through the partially opened door without making any noise. The path led her to reach outside though she had nothing to leave the mansion. She hid herself near the garage and looked around for something. She knew how to drive but all the cars were locked and voice-controlled. Leaning on the wall she stabilized her breathing as the pain was increasing with each passing second.

She heard some movements and some exchange of words after a good fifteen minutes. Someone was coming in her direction. Panicking to a certain extent she pressed her hands to her mouth to stop her whimper. She knelt behind a car and waited for the group of people to pass. Four men and their heavy footsteps were heard when she noticed all of them dressed in black. They walked towards the new shining black car that was halted just a few meters away. Two of them got inside that whereas the rest two took another car. One among them looked tall and masculine from the back and his voice seemed huskier than anything. They discussed something in a different language which was greek to her. She dared not to step out until both the car started the engine.

She saw her only chance of getting out was about to vanish. Even though she was eagerly waiting to get away from this mess, her fear was not allowing her to run for help. What if those men turned out to be the same as her tormentor? What if they were nothing but monsters like her own husband? She was thinking of at least beg for once to help her out from there. But the moment all of their figures came to her notice, she felt the same amount of fear and negative vibes that she used to get from her husband. They looked similar even though a part of her heart was ready to ask for help.

As soon as she heard the roaring sound she peeped through the corner of the car behind which she was hiding herself. Both cars were moving forward when the first one stopped. Three to four seconds passed as her breath hitched and she pushed herself back in her position hiding her petite. Closing her eyes she inhaled sharply to soothe the burning pain in her body.

The fainted noise poured another bucket of water into her plan. Neither did she gain the courage to ask for help nor could she manage something. Still, hope was left in her. She pulled herself up on her feet to run away following the path. It seemed like the gate was still open.

The moment she was about to take her first step someone wrapped his arms around her making her gasp. Those strong restraints felt nothing but some burning shackles around her body. As her body pressed against his broad one, a deadly whisper reached her ears. Her face lost all colors when she heard the most dreadful statement.

“Why so hurry Sweetheart?”

The Forbidden Daffodil ✅ (Paperback Available)Where stories live. Discover now