“Please….” She whispered as he was busy examining the knife he was holding. He looked at her and a smile formed on his lips.

“Oh, you want the big one?” He pointed to the larger knife kept aside on a table. She stole a glance at that material and immediately shook her head in denial. She won’t be able to survive if he dared to slice her with that. Forget about healing from those wounds, she would surely end up on death bed if he would play with that one. But on the other hand, that would be her biggest prize possession.


It would be more like her freedom. She would be away from miseries, pain, and so on. With a menacing pace, he walked towards her holding his favorite thing. She looked away to divert her mind knowing that she would fail miserably.

“Are you avoiding me?” His icy cold voice added more fear to her as she decided to look at him. He raised his hand and pointed the tip of the knife at her chest area. With a swift tug, he pulled it down to shred the dress.

“No…….” A shriek left her mouth though he turned deaf ear to her. She knew he would torment her like anything but what she wanted was the end of this. He moved the tip more towards her skin to drag another slit on her clothes. This time he made it more difficult for her. Her pale white skin came into contact with that sharp object. A red stain appeared on her body, making her milky white skin drench in a crimson flow. Her heaving chest, tear-stained face, and unstoppable cries made the room heavily scared. Every fiber of her body kept on screaming until the fabric she was wearing had been shredded completely. He showed a fake huff pointing to his numerous artworks on her body.

She remained still in that dangling position knowing that she would lose her consciousness soon. Her drooping eyes made him more than angry.

“Are you planning to sleep off before completing this game? I have just started sweetheart.” He grabbed her chin digging his nails into her skin, making her pout. Her neck tilted to the left proving the lesser amount of energy in her body.

“Answer dear.” He demanded words from her. Her tongue rolled out one word with great difficulty.


Releasing her face from his iron grip he walked towards the whip kept on the other side. That was the time when she literally found her soul leaving her body. He was strong enough to lash out at every single strike that would be deadly for her. Above all he was angry and his anger was something that she feared always.

“I am sorry.” She meekly said to grab his attention but he seemed to enjoy her every single pleading.

“Are you?” He asked, wrapping his fingers around the whip. She nodded her head in an affirmative gesture.

“So let’s play the game. Let’s see whether you pass out early or the leather whip breaks first.”

She felt like drenching herself in a bucket of cold water. No way the whip would break first, so she would be the first person to lose herself.

First strike and the room got filled with a deadly cry making every single part of the room shiver like hell. She took a sharp breath and looked at the position where the first strike landed. The area turned red with a small cut. A different type of satisfaction was plastered on his face. He raised his hand and she closed her eyes to accept the second strike. Another shriek pierced through the air making her own ears bleed with that sharpness of her voice. She was unable to understand what else was left. Tears kept on rolling from her eyes making her cheeks soaked. He had his usual smirk on his face.

Third, fourth,…….. It went on like a never-ending number series as she lost the count after a certain time.

“Are you not even counting sweethearts?” He expected her to count when all she was feeling was pain and numbness. After a certain time, even the pain was lost to get registered in her brain.

He kept on his assault and her cries turned into whimpers. After some moments nothing came out of her mouth as she pursed her lips together to ease the pain. Her head fell back and her body hung like a corpse. He threw the whip and circled her to examine the situation. Not a single area on her skin was free of bruises. Red, blue, purple all such colors were proudly proving his brutality. He smiled to unlock the chain. The moment her hands got free, her body fell to the ground like some rag doll.

She didn’t have an ounce of energy left to raise her face or hand. She kept on lying like that naked, bruised. He walked towards her and flipped her body with his shoe. Crouching down seemed like hard work for him. She landed on her back and tried to keep her eyes open. His smirk was the only thing she saw last before welcoming the darkness.

“So weak.” That was the last word she registered in her brain.

He called out for his maids who kept running towards the room. Leaving her like that he exited the room after giving some instructions to them. Both the maids looked at the poor girl and arranged a sheet to wrap her body. They somehow managed to carry her inside her room. The moment they tried to pull the sheet away, their actions froze again. Within that short period, the sheet turned red and she lost a lot of blood. Immediately one of them called their Master to arrange a doctor.

“Sir, if you don’t call out a doctor, she won’t survive.” That’s all the maid told her master.

“Fine. I am calling.” He was too irritated to call out for a doctor. He hated the fact of treating her. She could have accepted him instead of fighting from the beginning.

“What a waste.” He mumbled and called for a doctor.

After a certain time, the doctor arrived to check on her. She treated as much as she could. Looking at her condition, the doctor told those maids to take care of her for at least a few days. Once the doctor left they both got busy with their work.

Sitting in the study he was drinking his whiskey when one of his men arrived huffing like a dog. He looked a bit tensed though the situation wasn’t as per his expectations.

“We have a guest Master…..and….” Before he could finish his words a loud bang was heard as the door of his study got opened. He raised his face to get a proper glance at his guest. The moment their eyes met, he felt a slight agitation building inside him.

“Won’t you welcome me to your house?”

The Forbidden Daffodil ✅ (Paperback Available)Where stories live. Discover now