Chapter 1 : How They Met (part 2)

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Sorry for the long update but after this long chapter or short chapter, I will update more frequently, hope this makes up for lost time

And just a warning there are some curse words, That's All :D

<3 <3 <3 <3

Cody's P.O.V

I put the rest of my books in my locker then locked it. I saw Kyle, Tyler and Mike my best friends near my locker.

I walked up to them and said "Hey guys"

"Hey Cody" Tyler spoke up

"Hey Cody" Kyle said

"we were just talking about Greg, he said he will be starting school next week" Mike said

"okay" I answered feeling a little sleepy

"is it one of those moods" Kyle asked

I nodded. If some people think I'm having my period then NO!!! I mean that's just weird a dude having his period, really think about it where would it come out off, that's just very.....

I noticed no one would speak, Kyle dropped the subject not wanting to push it, we all got quiet waiting for someone to talk, I looked around finding what would be a great subject to fill the ackward silence until I saw Brittany coming this way.

Brittany is my girlfriend and always dress to impress, she always wear the newest clothes from famous designers, sometimes she always wear too much make-up that could almost resemble her to a clown well except for the red nose, colourful wig, and goofy clothes

"Hey babe" Brittany said and put her hand on my shoulder, I grabbed her hand off my shoulder then she put it back again. doesn't she take a hint that I don't want to be touched.

"Hey...." I said

"So...." she started "I was just wondering if you've got any plans after school" she finished

Ugh not this again, think of an excuse, any excuse, just think.

"I.... uhm.... have something to do....something important" I said

"like what?" she asked

fuck, like what, think of something, anything.

"yeah dude, like what" Mike said, slightly amused

"just stuff, you know chores, things like that" really that's the best you could do, but it's better than nothing.

Brittany looked pissed off from the look on her face, I could see Tyler and Kyle trying not laugh, while Mike grinning like an idiot. What did I say wrong, it is true.

"I'll see you next time" I said and quickly kissed her.

she perked up and said "bye", as she left I saw her went to her friends

"ugh you guys make me sick" Mike complained

"it's not like you've done it before"

"well I have done it before but not in public"

"Ugh your so disgusting"

"It's not like you haven't done it before"

"if you must know I haven't and that's non of your business" I stated

"guys there's no need to fight" Tyler butted in our conversation, I'm glad Tyler interrupted us or I could have punched Mike's stupid face I thought.

"who said we were fighting, we haven't even laid a finger on each other" I said sarcastically

"Oh no you didn't! don't you sass me playa" Tyler said in a girly tone, shakes his fingers sideways and pretends to flip his hair. We burst out laughing, after a few minutes I cast a glance at Tyler who is slightly amused of our reactions. I noticed a few students watched us while we were laughing, the looks on their faces thought we were complete idiots. I cleared my throat at them and caught their attention they just stood their for a second like complete idiots then went back to what they were doing.

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