Preface and Context

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(y/n)'s Quirk :: Surface Area :: He can create semi-translucent walls in his favorite color (f/c) that can deflect any physical or quirk related attack. Although the number of walls is not limited, he must maintain skin contact with each individual wall for his quirk to work, and the wall itself cannot move or curve. His super move, which he calls 2D, is a very thin and long wall that appears visually as a solid line, which can penetrate all matter. Truthfully, it's overpowered, but that's a trait explained early on.


Important Note :: I've made (y/n)'s character aroace for this story (because I wanted to that's why), so there are no "spicy" or romantic feelings - from his end at least. I still consider this to be a Shinso story because it focuses around the developing relationship and interactions between him and the reader rather than the BNHA universe as a whole. ::


From Another Perspective | Shinso Hitoshi x male! ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora