Chapter 3: Self-Worth is Determined by a Letter

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Warnings: none

(y/n)'s POV

After homeroom, Shinso walks with me to our first class, which we have together. Unfortunately, I won't get to see Shoji and Tokoyami again until lunchtime, but I am almost as comfortable with Shinso as I am with them. After Mineta was expelled at the end of last year for sexual harassment, Shinso was able to enter the hero course. And although I have known of him since the Sports Festival, I never pay attention to any matches in our practical heroics class nor have I ever been paired with or against Shinso, so I somehow don't know what his quirk is – at this point I'm too embarrassed to ask.

The band of wood that wraps around his head is still there and has been the only wooden piece of him for the past two months, likely because I have yet to tell him about the incident. I plan on telling him after school today. I haven't told anyone new about the incident – with the exception of Recovery Girl and Principal Nezu who agreed to let me keep it secret – so this is a big step for me. I wish I could've had the guts to tell him earlier, but it terrifies me; however, I am determined to be honest with him today. After our conversation on the roof last night, I think I can trust him.

Most of the school morning continues as usual. 'Most' is the key word here because my last academic class before lunch, Hero Law, has a test; this is the test I spent the entirety of yesterday afternoon and evening studying for. In every other class, I have been able to easily maintain an A, but this just so happens to be the one subject I struggle with – and I really struggle. I want to say that I was well prepared in the unit material, but the information I memorized last night seems to blow away in the wind when the paper is handed to me.

At the end of class, our teacher hands back our tests and my stomach twists more than it already was; I got a C-. My throat tightens as I stare blankly at the letter – my grades are supposed to be the one thing I can keep in check and control, but apparently I can't do something as simple as that. When the bell rings – I jump at the sudden noise – I shove the paper into my backpack. Before I can stand up, Iida, who sits in front of me turns around to face me.

"Before you leave, I noticed that you have been having some difficulty in this class," Iida says in his typical 'class rep' voice. "As your friend and classmate, I hate seeing you do so poorly. If you would like, I could tutor you and help you raise your-."

"No, Iida!" I snap, slamming my hand against the desk. The pieces of humanity on his face crack and flake off, floating to the tile floor. "I don't need your help; I don't need anyone's help. I don't need fixing!"

Before he can say anything else irritating, I stalk out of the classroom and toward the cafeteria, my hand still stinging slightly. When I arrive, my eyes catch Shoji and Tokoyami walking together away from the lunch line, trays of suspicious food in their hands.

"Oi, Sho, Toko, we're eating in the corner. C'mon already," I growl. How can Iida think so little of me? Don't start, (y/n), you know why. You're pathetic and weak; anyone with a conscience would take in a helpless animal, so you can't blame him for pitying you. Ugh, I really don't want to be here right now.

I sit cross-legged in the corner chair – I need to be able to see everyone – and gesture harshly to the two chairs across from me for the other two to sit in. Ever since Kaminari found out that I get jump scared easily, him and several others will sneak up on me at random times and tease me for my exaggerated reactions. It's all in 'good fun' so I don't say anything about it and do my best to laugh it off – I hate it though. I won't take any chances.

"(y/n)," Tokoyami starts, but I cut him off before he can say anything else.

"Tokoyami, what could you possibly want?" I snarl. He and Shoji exchange a look before turning back to be.

"What happened?" He calmly finishes.

"What's that supposed to mean? Why would you ask-," I halt as the realization hits me, "I'm doing it again, aren't I?" They nod in response.

"God, I'm sorry. I'm just a mess today. We had that test in Hero Law today, and I got a C, and then Iida offered to tutor me and- Fuck, I snapped at him. I'll have to fix that later; I hate myself so much right now," I finish, slamming my forehead onto the table. Oftentimes when I get upset or really anxious, I start ordering people around or yelling at them – and I'll hate myself afterwards like I do now.

"But then again, I hate myself all the time so it's just an average Thursday for me!" I sit up trying to laugh it off.

"A bad test isn't the end of the world, remind yourself of that," Shoji says gently. "Your grades and your relationship with Iida are both things that can be remedied, so you don't need to let that fear in particular hang on your shoulders."

"Besides, heroics class is next, so you'll be able to get that frustration out of your system. That's a positive, right?" Tokoyami adds.

"I really don't deserve you guys; you're too nice to me, and you always know how to properly deal with me."

"Not deal with you, help you. And you're always there for us, so it's only fair that we can return the favor. We want to support you through this; we're all best friends for a reason right?"

"You're right, Shoji." I say, picking up my lunch. We eat in silence for a little bit as my eyes wander around the room restlessly and eventually land on a certain feathered head – the owner of that head notices.

"If preening my feathers for me will help you relax, go ahead. You know I don't mind when you do it," Tokoyami sighs. I light up immediately; the soft texture of his feathers makes me happy, so I take him up on his offer, putting away my now empty lunchbox. I use my quirk to make a plane a few feet in the air where I can sit in whatever position my legs feel like and be able to reach his feathers easily. From this position, I can see them holding hands beneath the table. He and Shoji continue eating while I brush through his feathers, straightening and cleaning them; we continue like this while making conversation until the bell rings to signal the end of lunch.


A/n: Please tell me that I'm not the only one who's wanted to just play with Tokoyami's feathers. Honestly, I'm giving this chapter the secondary title "Mood."

Word Count: 1213

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