A Merry Reminder that not all is Lost

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It had been a month and a half since Bruce Wayne had been maliciously been unveiled as The Batman. A month and a half since Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth were declared dead.

The public funeral was large and very advertised. Dick couldn't turn without finding a camera in his face. It made saying goodbye to his father feel more like a circus act, rather than the respectful salute he deserved. He bore it, however, for the victims and survivors that were saved by the Dark Knight of Gotham. For those that appreciated what The Batman stood for, what he was willing to do to protect the city he loved. The city that ran deep in his veins. Not just for Batman, but Bruce Wayne. The socialite that donated a vast amount of time and money into ensuring Gotham thrived and developed in uncertain times. For the charming man who was loved by many, and was truly understood by few.

The Justice League had made their scheduled appearance and had taken the spotlight with ease. As each member said their piece about their famed and admired teammate, Dick focused on his brother. Tim kept his head held high, offering him his own look of comfort as if Dick was the one who was in the need to be reassured. As Superman finished his inspiring speech of hope and peace, the trumpets played loud as the crowd remained silent with reverence. Two soldiers handed Superman the neatly folded symbol of recognition for Batman's service. The Kryptonian turned towards Dick and Tim and offered the youngest man the flag with a small smile. Tim took it in thanks and shook Superman's hand, nodding at him with respect. Dick rubbed Tim's shoulder in assurance before he threw his arms around Superman's neck and squeezed the hero tightly.

"Thank you, Clark." He whispered. Superman returned the hug and his smile widened at Tim, who was extremely tempted to roll his eyes at his brother's very public show of affection for the superhero.

"I'm going to miss him too," Superman whispered back.

So yeah, that had been a surreal experience. Something Dick had had little time to prepare for. The small private funeral that Dick had personally planned without help from the city council or input from members of the League, was simple, but personal. With Tim, Barbara, Lucius and his family, and Commissioner Gordon at his side, Dick managed to say a few words about his 'father' and 'grandfather'. Each of them told stories of both the men they had come to love and cherish. Some brought tears to Dick's eyes, others had him laughing out loud. The funeral regrettably had to come to an end, something Dick had been terrified of. Lucius left with his family after he offered Tim and Dick his condolences and only after Dick squeezed him into a hug goodbye. Tim eventually left with Barbara and her father, and for once, was reluctant to let his affectionate brother go.

Dick couldn't turn his back on the headstones, couldn't turn from the engraved names that had the hairs on his arms rise. He slumped down in front of Bruce and Alfred's headstones and brought his knees towards his chest. He smiled lightly at the butler's name as he recalled a conversation, he had with Alfred in the early months of becoming Bruce's ward.

"I know you said once that when I was little, that you wouldn't be buried in the family plot because you weren't a Wayne." Dick started and glanced at Bruce's name. "But you are a Wayne, Alfie. You raised B with that ageless grace and unwavering love that no one else would have done. You pushed him when he needed it, understood him unlike anyone else, and tolerated his vast mood swings between brooding and anger. If that isn't what a father does, then I don't know what is."

"That was sappy, Dickiebird."

Dick jolted in shock and snapped his head to the side to see Jason climbing over the fence with effortlessness.

"Jason. You came." Dick swiftly rose with a pleased smile and watched as Jason approached the headstones. Dick remained quiet as Jason traced Alfred's name with his fingers and muttered something that Dick couldn't quite hear. He tried not to appear so curious when Jason approached him and wrapped his arm around Dick's waist. He leaned into Jason and buried his head into his neck. "I don't know if I can leave." He confessed in fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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