Chapter 2:Working on the invention

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Ice King told PB and Me to go at 9am and he also asked me to bring Jake and BMO. BMO seemed excited but Jake seemed reluctant to go. I think he thinks Ice King is up to something.


"I'm coming." Jake said


I grow big and BMO and Finn jump on my back and We walk to the ice kingdom.

"I an going to play in the snow." Said BMO

"Yay Bmo.

" We all said together.We arrived in the Ice Kingdom and his castle is not far away but something in my gut is telling me that Ice King is up to something and gut never except for that one with that Ricardo dude he was bad news

*Ice King*

"Where are they,Where are they." I say as I fly around anxiously.

Finn Jake Bmo and Princess Bubblegum arrive at the same time. I felt a little less stressed as I relaxed my face.

Wow my PB looks so cute. I could kiss her right now.

My mother starts to water as she takes of her jacket.
"You guys ready." She says with that sexy voice of hers.

I can't believe I'm helping the Ice King but if will keep him away the fine.

"Hey babe." Ice King says to me while he is trying to flirt.

"Shut up." I said as I threw a hammer at him.

"I love it when you play hard to get." He says

"Go die in a fire." I saw as my face turnes red.

He blows a kiss and I punch him in the face.
"What the f### is your problem Ice King.

6 hours later


Thank glob we are done
Sweat drops from all our faces.
Ice King cheers
He turns it on
I bright purple light flashes and.....

To be continued

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