Part 3 - First Name Basis

Start from the beginning

"Good body but doesn't know how to dress up. What a pity." Another sales lady remarked then led her inside the fitting room. Jay sat on the couch, served with tea and biscuits.

May was flooded with tons of outfits she doesn't know how to wear. It went to the point where one of the sales lady assisted her inside the fitting room to help her. They let her keep the last outfit so she won't be seen walking out the store looking like she doesn't work in a fashion company. They even offered to do May's hair. She has a long wavy hair but doesn't know how to deal with it. They put it on a high pony and gave her curls on the ends. They even did her make up but she refused to have a heavy make-up, so they did a no make-up, make-up. At least she won't look like a worn out party girl.

Jay didn't even bother to see the outfits, he just sat there reading a good magazine.

By the time they're done, Jay stood up and didn't even took a good look at her. He kept glancing at his watch.

"This made me hungry, let's at least have a steak." He said then went back to the car. May struggled holding all the paper bags on her own but was later on helped by Jay's driver.

"I need to go back to the office for the final opinion on the summer collection, so you better not make any mess." He told May, glancing at her. He was silenced the moment he saw her transformation. She still looks simple but clean. Better clothes but she still looks like herself.

"Mr. Park, I don't think I can pay you back with this. I haven't even paid for the teacups yet." May told him in concern.

"Those are company privileges, you don't pay for them. But as for the teacups, I still have to think about it." He said looking on the window to relax a bit, before going back to the company.

"Company privileges? I haven't even started. I haven't done anything yet." May interrupts his peaceful time.

"Dahee and Miss Min recieved just the same privileges on their second day. Now will you please shut up already?" He asked, reaching for his airpods when the car stopped.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked.

"Sir, we're stuck in a traffic jam." The driver told him.

"We can't get stuck. We don't have time to get stuck. I need to approve the summer collection and give final feedbacks so they can add the details." He said but in a calm way but May noticed his breathing pattern increasing. He's clearly nervous.

"There's no traffic in the subway." She suggested.

Jay sighed, glaring at her. "Miss Lee, I can't do crowds. I hate squeezing with people." He told her.

"Either that or this." She gestured at the traffic. "Or maybe you have a private chauffeur to get us out of here." She told him.

"Would the chauffeur get here in 5 minutes?" Jay asked his driver.

"Negative. They'd be here for 30 more minutes." His driver responded.

Jay glanced at May in defeat. "Show me the subway." He ordered.

The two of them got out of the car. "We'll see you there. Drive safely." May told the driver then pulled Jay on the subway. Jay watched her as she used a card to enter. He doesn't have that.

He doesn't use public transportation. "Miss Lee, I don't have a card." He told her. May then asked him to follow her. She opened the exit and let Jay enter, dragging him fast before the security would notice.

She pulled him inside the train and laughed as they made it. Jay looked at her in horror. "Miss Lee, are you some kind of disobedient citizen? I have a reputation to maintain. Why did you make me commit such a crime?" He asked her.

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