"This can't be right, it says Pin stole the cup by himself," Zoe said, reading the article.

"What?!" Olivia said, taking a look at the article.

"But this is perfect!" Laughed Mia. "If Pin takes all the blame, then this yard's reputation remains intact," Mia said. Olivia couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Mia, he could be charged," Olivia reasoned.

"Even better. That should put a line under the matter," she laughed.

"I can't fucking believe you, Mia. Seriously, I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you're gonna have to stop acting like you're better than everyone else," Olivia snapped, picking up her hat.

"Uh, where are you going?" Mia asked as she walked away.

"I'm going to help Pin," Olivia said.

"No you're not, practice isn't over," James said, blocking her way out. Olivia simply stared up at him.

"Are you going to move?" She asked him.

"This team needs to be your first priority, I can't just let you go running after boys," James said.

"Then kick me off your stupid team, see if I care," Olivia said, bumping past him. What was up with her? She thought to herself. It wasn't like her to get mad like this. As she rode to Holloway, Olivia tried to let her anger dissipate. She tied Nina to the gate once she'd arrived, and before she could make it to the entrance, was stopped by two girls on their horses.

"Can I help you?" One of them, whom Olivia didn't know asked.

"Yes, I came here yesterday looking for Pin, and you said he was fine," she said, referring to Emma. "But this article just came out and it says he was the one to steal the cup. I don't know if this is revenge of some sort but please, I can take the blame, this is all my fault anyway."

"But you weren't even there, why take the blame?" The other girl asked.

"I just don't want him to be in trouble," shrugged Olivia.

"Oh no, he's not in trouble, look," Emma said. Olivia turned to where she'd pointed, mouth gaping. There, she found Pin in full Holloway uniform, riding better than she'd ever seen him ride before. She understood how Becky and Jade felt when watching Marcus now. Olivia sent a quick text to Zoe, and soon, she, Jade, Marcus, Mia, and Susie had arrived to watch as well.

"How did this happen?" Mia asked.

"I didn't know he could ride like that," Marcus remarked.

"Why did nobody tell me Pin was this good!" Whined Mia.

"None of us knew," Marcus replied.

"Please, you would've known if you'd paid a minimum of attention to him, you were just too busy insulting him and ordering him around," Olivia said, the last part directed towards Mia.

"Well he can't ride for Holloway, We need him on the Bright Field's team," Mia replied.

"Good luck with that," laughed Olivia. "You think he's gonna ride for you after the way you've treated him?"

"That was before I knew he could ride," she answered.

"You are so superficial Mia," Olivia retorted.

"Besides he's in no position to argue. He owes my dad a lot of money," Mia continued as if Olivia hadn't even spoken.

"So what are you gonna do, threaten him back onto the team?" Zoe said.

"Precisely," she said.

"That will never work. You should have Olivia talk to him, I'm sure she can convince him to stay," Zoe said. Olivia rolled her eyes but said nothing.

"Fine. Olivia, do whatever it takes to convince him," Mia said. Olivia headed to the entrance of Holloway and was let in by Emma, telling her to wait here. Olivia took a look around. There was no point in denying that Holloway was beautiful, with its double doors and high ceilings.

"Olivia," she heard Pin's surprised statement behind her. "What are you doing here?" Olivia whipped around towards him.

"Well, I was looking for you. I saw the article, I thought you might be in trouble," she explained bashfully.

"Well I'm alright," he simply said.

"This— This is your choice, right? They're not blackmailing you are they?" She asked. She had to admit the thought had crossed her mind a few times, but she didn't want to assume the worst of Holloway simply because they were her rivals. Pin looked down, his silence saying it all. "Pin—"

"It's alright though. It's a good deal: I get to ride, Holloway gets the rider they need, and nobody has to suffer the consequences of me getting caught," he explained. He thinks it's his fault, Olivia realized.

"It's not your fault you got caught, Pin... it's mine," Olivia admitted. Pin drew back slightly.

"What do you mean? Did you tell them we were here?" He accused her.

"No, no of course not," hastily rectified Olivia. "But, I know who did. They told me not to say anything, but I should've warned you guys anyways. It's all my fault."

"Who was it?" Pin asked coldly.

"I..." Olivia trailed off. "I can't say. I told him I wouldn't," she said.

"Him? It was Marcus?" Pin said. Olivia cursed herself mentally for her slip up. She nodded shamefully and Pin scoffed. "Why would he do that?"

"I don't know," Olivia lied. "Please, just, don't tell Zoe," she pleaded.

"Why are you even defending him? What he did was wrong, he should be held accountable," Pin said harshly, and Olivia felt her heart accelerate.

"I don't know I— I'm just trying to help everyone I—" she said, starting to get overwhelmed. Her distress must've shown in her eyes because Pin's features softened.

"Hey, hey, look at me," He said softly. Olivia looked up at him, trying to match her breathing to his. "There we go, angel. It's alright don't worry, everything turned out fine didn't it? No harm done," he smiled, Olivia doing the same.

"Thanks," she whispered. "You were really good out there. Everyone was very impressed," she complimented.

"Everyone...?" Pin questioned.

"Oh, well the others, Zoe, Marcus, Jade, Susie, and Mia were there too," she explained. "Mia said she wanted you back at Bright Fields to ride for her."

"You should know that I would never ride for her," he scoffed.

"I know, I'm not asking you to come back, that's not my place, I just wanted to warn you, Mia's ruthless. She said you still owe her money for Raven and she'll use it against you," Olivia warned him.

"I'm not worried about Mia, I'll figure this out," he replied. "You're really okay with me staying here?" He asked.

"Yeah of course! I mean, I will miss having you around at Bright Fields, but this is a great opportunity for you, why wouldn't I be okay with it?" She replied.

"Holloway is your rival, I just, I thought maybe you'd be mad," he said.

"Hey, our friendship is more important to me than a riding competition," Olivia laughed. "If you're happy here, then I'm happy too." Olivia smiled brightly, and Pin smiled back. Someone cleared their throat, bringing both of their attention to the staircase.

"Are you guys done here?" She asked harshly.

"Sorry, of course, see you later Pin," Olivia said, waving at him before heading out.

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