Level 13-Don't let them win!

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Y/n's POV

"What came over me when I said that?" y/n questioned herself.

5 minutes ago

"A DATE?" They both said in sync.

y/n didn't know what to do in this situation.

"Maybe you should be more up front."

Kenma's wise words came into her head.

"I'll do it for you Ken-kun."

She smiled as she pointed over to Oikawa.

"Fine. But if we win you pay for the date."

She didn't know what had happened but she felt an adrenaline rush through her whole body.

That was until her partner spoke up.

She felt herself become more serious as she played on; it was probably because the siblings were very competitive.

"SHITTYKAWA YOU NEED TO BE MORE PRECISE WITH YOUR PASSES!" Yui exclaimed even though it was clearly her fault for missing the ball.

"IWAA THAT WAS ON OK HEIGHT WASN'T IT? YOU CAN TELL ME IF IT BAD. " y/n shouted. She hadn't played in a while and she didn't want to be the reason why they lost.

Irritation could clearly be seen on Iwaizumi and Oikawa's faces but their partners were to busy trying to beat each other they didn't see it.

"Okay, time out." Oikawa made a T with his hands and called Iwa to a corner.

"I thought this would be fun but it ended up being being quite the drag." Oikawa sighed.

"Yeah I didn't know they were this competitive."

They looked back to see the siblings glaring at each other from each side of the court.

"Why don't you let us win this next point and then come with an excuse to make sure we can't play anymore."

"Wait why do you guys have to win. I don't want to have to pay."

"Well do you want to carry on."

Oikawa shook his head and let out a breath.

"That's what I thought."

"Ok. Lets play." He had a nervous grin.

"About time, ready to accept defeat y/n." Yui smirked.

"Never." y/n stuck out her tongue.

Oikawa served, Iwa received the ball.

He passed it to y/n who set it quite nicely for someone who hadn't played in a few years.

Iwa hit the ball with all of his might.

Yui tried to block it but her hand just missed it.

Without noticing, Oikawa was running to receive the ball. He tried to turn back but he ended up 'slipping' and falling to the floor.

The ball rolled past him as he sat there, a painful look on his face.


The siblings ran to his side. Iwa knew he wasn't being serious so he walked over.

"Are you ok?" He shook his head.

"Can you walk?" He tried to get up only to fall back down again.

With the help of y/n and Yui he got up and used Yui as his support.

They all walked home together as the sun began to set.

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