Level 7- Don't get angry!

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"Wait you've been watching my hero as well?"


y/n, Yui, Iwa and Oikawa were all on break at the same time. They had gotten to the topic of My hero Academia.

"Wait at the same time let's say our favourite characters at the same time."






y/n felt her eye twitch. Oikawa  smile dropped.

"How can you like Bakugo he is a a pretentious, arrogant loud mouth." y/n questions

"How can Kirishima the most. He is always following Bakugo.

y/n gasped.

"How dare you."

Iwaizumi butted in.

"Why do your favourite characters have to be the same." He didn't look up from his phone while he sipped his coffee.

"Yeah, I don't understand. You guys are making it a bigger deal than it has to be." Yui didn't take her eye off the pile of work in front of her.

Iwaizumi and Yui's favourite character is Todoroki.

"Yeah but this could end our beautiful friendship." Oikawa and y/n dramatically pushed themselves away from each other and leaned back on their chair.

"What is there to even like about Bakugo?"

"He's such a hard worker and it sucks that he will never get what he wants." Oikawa spoke very passionately, as if he had been through it himself.

"And his powers are cool unlike someone's."

y/n stood up from her chair. She looked at Oikawa with his usual smile but behind her eyes were raging fires. She rolled her sleeves and slowly took a step towards the male.

"Oikawa," she took another step. "How do you want to die."

Before she could strangle him Yui held her back by the collar.

"Yui," she struggled. "Allow me to kill this fool."

"Talk without resorting to violence."

"That's rich coming from you." She mumbled.

"Huh?" Yui dropped her pen on the desk. "Did I hear you say something?" Yui revealed her face to y/n and she ran to her seat.

Yui went back to her work.

"I understand he is a hard worker but his anger issues and the fact that he is always shouting is so annoying. Kiri is always looking out for everyone around him and is generally a nice guy."

"Yeah but that all he is a nice guy he doesn't even change that much."

"Now that is NOT TRUE because in [spoilers spoilers SPOILERRSSSSSSSSS]

Oikawa gasped.


Oikawa stood up.

"Oikawa sit down" Yui and Iwa said in perfect sync. Neither of them looked up from what they were doing.

He sat down.

"I'm sorry, Oikawa. I forgot you weren't up to date. Hey let's change subject," she thought for a second. "Who's your favourite teacher."


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