Chapter 1

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"ANGELICA, MELISSA IS HERE TO PICK YOU UP. ARE YOU UP YET?". I groaned and got up from my bed. "I'M UP MOM, I'LL BE DOWN IN FIVE" I yelled back.

I got up and quickly got dressed in a pair of loose fitted black Jean's and a white cropped top. I brushed my teeth and applied a little bit of concealer under my eyes along with mascara. I picked up my bag and rushed downstairs.

I kissed my mom on the cheek goodbye and rushed outside to meet my bestfriend melissa.

Melissa and I have known each other since we were in 3rd grade. I dont remember how we became friends but I'm glad we did.

"Goodmorning mel" I said getting into her car.

"Did u oversleep again!?" She replied half annoyed.

"Yeah, but it's not my fault. I was up till 3 am watching gilmore girls, that show is so addicting" I replied.

She laughed and drove off.

After a 10 minute drive we were parked outside and the bell rang. I hurried to get to class.

I was supposed to meet up with my boyfriend Hunter this morning but I was late and I didnt have time to text him last night.

I was running to my class and I suddenly bumped into someone and I suddenly fell to the ground with a thump.

I groaned sitting up from the ground and all of a sudden a hand came in my direction. I held it and stood back up looking into at the person who bumped into me. Axel Kellett.

I stared into his piercing green eyes while taking my hand out of his, he then scoffed and walked past me into the hallway.

I sped off into class and tried sneaking in. Keyword: tried. The second I opened the door Mr. Slinger my chemistry teacher directly noticed me.

"Ms. Rymer, nice of you to join us". He said.

"Goodmorning Mr Slinger I'm so sorry for being late, it wont happen again". I replied hoping he doesnt do anything about it.

"You're right, it wont because you have detention after school, dont miss it or you'll have to come on saturday and neither of us want that". He replied while walking back to his desk to start the lesson.

"Yes sir" I said wanting to stop this conversation from going any further.

After 40 minutes of staring at the clock while avoiding writing any notes, the bell rang and I went to my other classes.

After almost an hour and a half of double math periods I went to lunch and sat next to melissa. I had bought a salad from the cafeteria because nothing else is remotely edible in there.

"I got a detention today, I mean it's not even my fault. I bumped into Axel and I was late, Mr Slinger is honestly a dickhead." I complained.


"Yes, that's what I just said. He was honestly a dick." I replied remembering how he left after scoffing at me.

"Who's a dick sweetheart?" A voice came from behind me. I stared at melissa and she had wide eyes.

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