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"How are you alive Draal?" Jim asked when he spotted the blue troll. "Am a ghost and still trying to figure out why I came back," Draal said knowing that Jim wanted to know why he was still around. "Wait who are you and what is your connection to my parents?" Tegan asked Draal when she saw him. "He was the person who protected your grandmother and me even though we started as enemies," Jim said with a smile. The group of five had gotten up from the edge of the ravine near the group. Cabraken saw Atzi was still moving a bit slow due to the injury from the night before. Zi felt the pain shoot up from their side coming from the sword wound which caused them to place a hand on it before realizing that it started to bleed again. "Can I just catch a break?" Zi asked as they sat on the bench. Everyone looked at Atzi shirtless taking off the bandage that was around their torso stained red on their left side where they had been cut. Jim saw the wound was turning to stone around the edges and it was bleeding. 

"That looks bad," Lucas said when he saw the wound. "This is the result of getting cut from Daylight so my wound would turn to stone," Zi said with a sarcastic tone. Jim knew from experience that sunlight and in turn his sword Daylight can turn wounds to stone when it comes to trolls. "Wait so one good stab from what I'm assuming is Dad's sword could kill you?" Cabra asked looking at the sword strapped to Jim's back that could kill his sibling with one good strike. "Well you have your answer right here but that only applies to me because I don't know if you three could shift," Zi said making a point of that fact gesturing at the open wound. Cabraken, Lucas, and Metzli looked at Atzi with an unknowing look because they could have the same ability as them. Lucas looked at the statues on the edge near the roof for the first time before noticing the same armor being the only thing that was common between them which was the same armor that his dad wore the night before. "Who are they?" Lucas asked still staring at the statues. "Those are the statues of the previous trollhunters," Jim said looking up before his eyes stopped at Kanjigar.  

"When you say statues you mean statues-statues or something else?" Cabra asked. "By statues, he means their corpses. Those are the bodies of the previous trollhunters," Zi said like it was nothing. Jim looked at Zi with a bit of shock at how calmly they said their comment. "You would have said it the same way if you had been exposed to death at a young age like I was," Zi said. "I was," Jim said. "You were in high school when you became the Trollhunter and became part of this world while I was five and had gotten lost in the woods," Zi said knowing the differences in how they became part of the paranormal world. 

"We are going to get back to the dead bodies staring down at us but you were our age when you became the Trollhunter?" Metzli said looking between her older siblings. "I was but I didn't want to be part of it at all but a near-death experience later I know couldn't run from this," Jim said remembering how accepted his role as the Trollhunter. "Now with that out of the way can we go back to the dead bodies," Cabra said wanting some answers. Jim and Blinky explained the reason why the dead bodies of the previous Trollhunters lined the roof of the forge. Cabra finally realized that his dad knew that each patrol and mission could be his last which is the same for Zi but with them, it was something that knew from day one of being part of this world. "You need help with the bandage to make sure that it's tight?" Jim asked trying to move on from the depressing topic. "I got it 'cause I've done this before so I know the routine for this already," Zi said with a smile. 

"Draal you're training the five of them since the summer?" Claire asked the troll in question. "Yes I have been training them since then though Vex brought a different perspective," Draal said with a smile before looking over the 5 teens who are still recovering from the day's training. Nimora looked over to her son with Draal and Bolland noticed his mom looking in his direction.  Draal also noticed this as well and wanted to talk to both of them. "One of the things that we had to learn about different groups of aliens that we might encounter," Vendel said as he looked at his old friends. The group from out of town looked at the former elder of the Arcadia Trollmarket for the first time since his death. "You had to learn about a group that you didn't have much info on," Blinky said now remembering the story that Kanjigar had told him about meeting aliens before he died. "Yup and I am the resident Akiridion even though I'm half human so I often bring the context when it comes to alien tech," Max said as he shifted back into his human form. 

Jim and Claire looked at the half-akiridion because Max reminded them of Steve. "Wait is your dad Steve Palchuck by any chance?" Jim asked Max. "Yeah, he is and he changed since the last time you saw him," Max said being honest. Jim knew that Steve had apologized to him, Claire, and Toby before he and Clair left Arcadia. "Having that information is helpful in situations where it's needed," Calan said looking at his weapon. "You guys are adapting to the changing climate of Arcadia," Blinky said noticing that the 5 teens are succeeding in missions because they are living in that change. The group of 5 knew that Blinky made a good point because they were living their lives as hybrids so they have one foot in both worlds. "But what about us now that we know the truth about the paranormal world?" Lucas asked. 

Draal knew that he had a point about him and his siblings wanting a place in this world. The more he looked at the three siblings the more he knew that they wanted to be part of the world that Zi had grown up in for the last 10 years. "I think it would be a good idea for them to start training to defend themselves or like Zi, to help protect Trollmarkt in Camden," Draal said as a suggestion. "That's a good idea because you don't want a round two of last night," Zi said remembering last night as they finished wrapping the bandage around their torso. "Speaking of which, Atzi I want to say sorry about that cut," Jim said which caused Zi to tighten the bandage too tight. "Dad like I said you didn't know that it was me last night," Zi said as they loosened it a bit.                          

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