I love you to the moon and back - Sarah

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You had been dating your drama teacher - Miss Paulson for a while now and you couldn't be happier.

Sitting in the back of your drama class, you watched the movie you were going to be recreating scenes from and took notes about your character, when someone sat on a stool beside you.
"Hey you." You whispered, facing your girlfriend.
"Hello beautiful." Sarah smiled.
"How's your day been?" You smiled but was met with an eye roll.
"I had the annoying year 7s, i swear to god no teaching degree could've prepared me for that torture." She chuckled slightly making you giggle.
"It's not funny y/n, they're too obnoxious." She whispered and rested her head on your shoulder.
"You know if someone turns around you have some explaining to do." You whispered and held her hand.
"Baby they're not concerned about my whereabouts." Sarah whispered.
"I don't know, pretty sure Ruby has a thing for you." You giggled.
"Please." Sarah laughed and sat back up.

"My house after school?" Sarah questioned.
"Of course Miss Paulson." You smiled.
"I hate when you call me that." She stood up.
"Does it give you a tingle in your cooch." You giggled and wriggled your eyebrows.
"Stop it miss y/l/n" she laughed and walked back to her desk.
You winked at her making her smile.

After school
Your last lesson ended and you went to Sarah's class room.
You knocked on her door and was greeted with a "come in".
"Hey baby." She smiled from behind her desk.
"Hi gorgeous" you smiled back and sat on her desk.
"I can't wait to hug and kiss you." Sarah huffed and held your face in her hands.
"Been that bad of a day huh." You questioned and placed your hands on her wrists.
"Mhmm." She sighed and closed her eyes.
"Are you ready to go?" You asked and got a nod as a reply.
"Ill go to the park then, pick me up from there." You said and got of the desk.
"I love you." Sarah said
"Love you more." You smiled as you left the room.

To keep yours and Sarah's relationship secret, you had a routine where she would pick you up to go back to hers at the local park, so no teachers and not too many students would be around.

You arrived outside the park and waited 5 minutes before sarah arrived and you got in her car.

"Im supposed to have a detention today, i totally forgot" you laughed.
"With who?" Sarah questioned.
"Mr Hughes." You said.
"He's a twat, what did you do?" She quizzed.
"Told him to fuck off and that he was a wanker." You giggled.
"Y/n! I know he is a wanker but you can't just straight up tell him!" Sarah shouted a bit.
"At least I'm honest." You laughed.
"That's why i love you." Sarah sighed and placed her hand on your thigh.

Finally, you arrived and went into Sarah's house.
Sarah collapsed onto the sofa and you went into the kitchen.
"Sar" you called out.
"Yes baby." She replied.
"Can i get some apple juice." You asked.
"Don't be silly of course you can." She said.

You got your juice and went back into the living room and moved Sarah's legs to sit with her.
"Can we watch a movie?" You asked.
"Im too tired." Sarah moaned.
"Pleaseeee." You begged.
"Fine what one." She sat up.
"Nightmare on elm street." You smiled making sarah groan.
"I hate horror movies." Sarah wined
"I love them so pleaseee." You smiled.
"Ok only because you're too cute to resist." She pecked your lips.
"Thank you beautiful." You smiled and turned on the tv and put on the movie.

Sarah cuddled up to your side and whenever there was a jump scare or gross part she would hug you tighter and dig her face into your side.
Towards the end of the movie she began kissing your neck and roaming your body with her hands.
"Baby the movie isn't done." You wined while moaning.
"But I'm done watching." She said before kissing up your jaw to your lips.
You kissed back and Sarah deepened the kiss before straddling you and pulling you even closer by your neck.
"Sar-" you tried to speak between the kisses.
"Mm." She moaned.
"Can we make dinner now?" You asked
"Fuck yeah." Sarah said and jumped up from you making you laugh.
"What?? Im always hungry." Sarah said and went into the kitchen.

"What's on the menu today chef?" You questioned.
"Pasta?" Sarah asked.
"Sounds great miss Paulson." You smirked.
"What's your obsession with calling me that." Sarah laughed and grabbed ingredients for the food.
"Dunno." You said as you walked up behind her and wrapped your arms around her waist.

30 minutes later, you had finished cooking and now were sat eating it.
"Do you ever wish we could do this in public?" You questioned.
"What do you mean?" Sarah asked confused.
"Do you not wish you could take your girlfriend out to a nice restaurant, with people and professional food?" You asked slightly teary.
"No i have you thats all that matters. Do you?" She replied even more confused.
"No i love it here but i cant help but feel like a massive inconvenience." You laughed as a tear escaped.
"Wait shit are you crying? Don't cry baby." sarah got up from her side of the table and sat beside you to hug you.
"Of course its inconvenient that I'm your teacher but i cant help who i love and if i love you un conditionally i wont let a stupid school keep us apart." Sarah said.
"I love you to the moon and back." You smiled.
"I love you the the moon and back 1000000 times." Sarah smiled and pecked your lips.

Literally just wrote that didnt proof read or shit so hope its ok <3

Sarah paulson characters one shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang