Hell's Children: Part 27

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The night went on without a hitch surprisingly at Mischief and Lux. That was until almost closing around two am. The bouncers started ushering out overly intoxicated club goers as Sigyn and Allen stacked empty drinking glasses and wiped down the bar top. They were cracking jokes back and forth and genuinely enjoying themselves despite being exhausted from the busy Friday night madness. Just as Sigyn was about to chuck a cork at Allen's head because he made a joke about her smudged eyeliner the door to the club burst open with an explosion throwing the remaining club goers and employees back. Sigyn coughed at the billowing smoke and rubbed her eyes. 

"Allen?" Sigyn said looking around. 

"Alive!" Allen shouted and scrambled to his feet. Sigyn looked over the bar and saw a swarm of people entering the club. They growled and looked around the bar kicking over chairs and destroying everything in their path. 

"Stay down." Sigyn whispered to Allen. Allen got down behind the bar next to Sigyn and they both peered over the edge. The smoke just barely hiding the tops of their heads from the entering crowed of unknowns. Sigyn's eyes turned yellow, allowing her magic to flow through her to allow her better sight. She squinted her eyes and got a better look at the beings that overturned the club that she was just serving drinks in. 

"What are they doing?" Allen whispered a little too loud when the smoke started to clear and he could see a bit better. 

"Shh." Sigyn said. But it was too late. A large bald person with bright red eyes turned toward them. He sniffed the air then stalked in their direction. Sigyn pushed Allen to the ground and sat with their backs to the bar. "Don't move. Stay down." Sigyn whispered. Allen nodded then pulled his knees to his chest. He hugged them and bit his lip to attempt to keep himself quiet. Sigyn took a deep breath in and flicked her wrists in front of her. Two golden daggers appeared in her hands and she hoisted herself up rapidly and jumped on top of the bar. She cracked her neck and with shining golden eyes she smiled wickedly at them. "Who wants a dance!?" Sigyn shouted. The bald man stopped in his tracks and the hoard of intruders all looked in her direction. All their red eyes staring at her with teeth barred and fists clenched. 

The elevator dinged and Sigyn whipped her head toward it. Lucifer walked out in a crisp white suit and straightened his jacket. A smile upon his lips. He looked around and clapped his hands. 

"Well well well. What do we have here? Party crashers do make such insolent guests don't they? Did I hear something about a dance?" Lucifer said. And before any response could be had Lucifer transformed into his devil form. The red evil face against his white suit making him look both devilish and angelic at the same time. "Now darling. Shall we tango? Or foxtrot?" Lucifer said again then leapt onto the bar top next to her. He looked into the crowed of red eyed faces. "Kneel before your king! Then go back to hell!" Lucifer shouted. It all came together. The demons were coming for Lucifer. 

"Hell!?" Allen shouted then stood up and stumbled into the bar. A bottle of whiskey fell and crashed to the ground. Just as it crashed the demons charged. 

"The Rumba it is then." Lucifer said then pounced at the crowd. Sigyn screamed and went in after him. Allen ran toward the back of the bar and locked himself in the break room. 

Sigyn slashed at the demons as they came at her. Blood splattered across her face as she stabbed at the attacking monsters. They looked just like regular people in regular clothes. Just stronger and more menacing. And they had a taste for blood. More specifically Lucifer's blood. Lucifer had no issue throwing Hell's children to the ground. He laughed as he did it. 

"Is this how you show thanks to your leader!? By betraying him!?" Lucifer shouted in the face of a smaller demon he held by the collar of their shirt. She had dark short hair and wore a blue suit. She spat in his face. 

"You. Left. Us!" She shouted in his face. Lucifer's crazed demeanor faltered for a moment and he shifted back to his normal form. 

"I have my reasons." Lucifer said throwing the demon aside. 

"Your reasons mean nothing!" Shouted another demon. Lucifer threw that one aside as well. But they kept coming. More and more poured into Mischief and Lux. Sigyn heard police sirens and looked in Lucifer's direction. 

"Humans are coming!" Sigyn shouted. "Got any ideas!?" She asked him. Lucifer looked in all directions. He had no ideas. Until he remembered The Stone of Agatha. 

"The stone! But I need Eve. For dad's sake why does that woman always have to be involved!?" Lucifer groaned then pulled the stone out of his pocket. He shoved it into the air above him hoping the mere presence of the stone would postpone any more destruction on the demon's part. The demon in front of Sigyn haunted. His long shaggy red hair in his face. 

"You wield The Stone of Agatha?" The demon asked with a growl. Lucifer hesitated. He could try to wield it. But he knew the stone was meant for Eve. He didn't know how or why but God had told him long ago that the woman in the garden would lead him and his children back home with the power of Agatha. He needed Eve. 

"No. But she does." A voice sounded from the break room door. Allen stood peering over the shoulder's of God himself and Eve by his side. "Go get em." God said with a smile as Eve sauntered through the crowd of shocked hell dwellers. She hopped up and grabbed the stone out of Lucifer's hand. She placed the ring on her finger and looked at it fondly. 

"Aw Lucy you shouldn't have!" Eve said then looked into the sea of evil before her. "Go back to Hell." She said casually. And to Sigyn and Lucifer's surprise. They did just that. They marched one by one in a single file line out of the club. 

"Just like that? What about Asmodeus?" Sigyn asked stepping toward Eve. 

"I'll let Lucy here take care of him. Asmodeus was just a vessel for what the children of Hell want. They want their leader home. But they don't want Asmodeus as their leader." Eve replied watching the demons march out of the club. 

"Who would?" Lucifer scoffed. Eve rolled her eyes at that comment but Sigyn smiled at him. Even in the midst of chaos he had to crack a joke. 

"So what now?" Lucifer asked turning to his father who walked toward them with his hands in his pockets. A frown upon his face. He patted Lucifer on the back and looked fondly into his son's eyes. 

"You return home my son." God spoke. 

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