Magic is Real : Part 3

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"What the hell is that!?" Jen screamed as she pointed to Loki as he levitated above the dancing crowd in the club shaking a bottle of champagne as it burst into the air.  

Allen looked to Jen confused. "THAT is Loki being Loki. Party animal that one." Allen spoke shaking his head. 

"How the hell is he floating in the air like that?" Jennifer asked wide eyed. 

"Have you never heard of Loki Odinson before?" Allen asked shaking a shaker full of ice. Jen grabbed a wad of cash from the bar top in front of her and started counting. Unable to focus she stuffed the cash in the register to count later. She slammed the register cash drawer shut. 

"My mind may be shit. But I am pretty sure I would remember someone who can do THAT." Jen said pointing again. 

"He's from Asgard. Magical kingdom in space? Thor? Ring any bells?" Allen asked. Jen shrugged. "Dude attacked New York with an army of alien lizards! How do you not know what I'm talking about?" Allen said frustrated. 

"What is Asgard? Aliens are real!? What the hell happened while I was in that coma!?" Jen shouted throwing her hands in the air. She was frustrated. It's like a whole new world was revealed and she had no insight into it. She felt left out. 

"It happened way before you entered that coma. Must be the memory loss. You really must have knocked your head hard." Allen said going to the register and counting the money Jen was too annoyed to count. "Time for a 15. Come on. I'll fill you in. Amanda you got this for a bit?" Allen shouted over his shoulder at Amanda who just arrived at the bar. It was about 11:30 at night now and the club was getting busier. 

"I got it! Be back in time though it's getting crazy!" Amanda shouted dancing to the music as she poured shots of Fireball for a group of bachelorette party goers. 

Allen and Jen headed for the break room. When they entered Allen shut the door and gestured for Jen to sit at the table they usually ate their lunches at. Jen sat and waited patiently. She wanted to know more, she NEEDED to know more. Who was Loki Odinson? What was Asgard? And who was Thor?

"Okay what don't you know?" Allen asked. Jen squinted her eyes. He knew damn well she knew absolutely nothing. "Um... well. I'll give you the cliff notes version but I'll try to get all the important stuff in. 2012, alien invasion. Loki lead it. Claimed earth owed him something. Not sure what. Um... Avengers came in and stopped him. Few years later dude shows up again looking like a super model. Then he like dies or something. Turns out he doesn't die. Dude keeps dying and not dying. It's kinda confusing. Anyway he's from this magical place in space called Asgard. He's a prince or something, he turns blue sometimes... not sure why. His brother Thor, he's an Avenger. Loki tried the whole superhero thing for a while but he just kept causing more trouble than good. So he came here a few years back. Met Lucifer and opened this place. Not sure what Lucifer's story is, he kinda just showed up. Anyway they are just two crazy rich, drunk, annoying peas in a pod." Allen said. Jen rubbed her forehead. This was all a lot. Magic is real? Alien's are real? Loki tried to take over the planet and now he's some popular club owner? "Any questions?" Allen asked sensing Jen's confusion. 

"What are the Avengers?" Jen asked. 

"Group of crazy people who think they are protecting the world." Allen said. 

"Think?" Jen said. 

"They do protect us, kind of. Just doesn't always play out without any fall out. But I guess it's better than being a bunch of slaves to alien invaders am I right?" Allen said. "There are a bunch of them but the main ones are Thor, Iron Man who is Tony Stark that rich science guy, Hulk who is actually Bruce Banner another science guy, Black Widow not sure what her real name is but she's badass, Hawkeye he's a dude with a bow and arrow, and Captain America real name Steve Rogers he's a super solider from forever ago. Dude is like 100 I think. I may have missed a few but there are so many at this point I can't keep track. And to be honest I have been sipping Jim Bean all night so I can't even tell you who I am. But I am doing alright?" Allen said. Normally Jen would laugh at Allen's antics but right now she was taking it all in. The information he was sharing was just a lot. 

"Thor. Where have I heard that name before?" Jen asked. 

"He's Loki's brother. He stops in once in a while but Stark shows up more than he does. Not to see Loki but to see Lucifer. Old pals I think. Rich people like rich people I guess. Except Loki, nobody really LIKES Loki. He's great to party with but other than that... he's kinda..." Allen trailed off at the last part. 

"An asshole?" Jen asked. 

"Precisely." Loki's voice boomed from the doorway. Jen and Allen jumped from their seats. Their faces grew red and they scrambled to compose their embarrassment. "Get back to work Allen. I'll have a chat with Ms. Mason." Loki said. Allen nodded then mouthed "good luck" to Jen as he walked out.

"I'm sorry. I don't know if you know or not but I was in a coma the last few years and I just had no idea all of this magic stuff existed and to be honest I am still so shocked. I don't know what the hell is going on I-" Jen started talking quickly but Loki cut her off. 

"It's fine. So, you think I'm an asshole?" Loki said laughing slightly still hanging by the doorway. 

"I'm sorry for that too. I... you peg me as someone who gets whatever they want. And the New York thing just added to my assumption. I shouldn't have said that. Sorry..." Jen said. She truly was sorry. But she did mean what she said to Allen. Loki was an asshole. And he knew it. 

"I am not the world's most favorite person. It's true. But my dear, I have redeemed myself enough to know that I have gained the respect from those Avenger characters. If you wish to know about me or my brother. You speak to me. Understand?" Loki said. Jen nodded. "Very well. Dinner tomorrow night. You are off the schedule until Monday morning so you have time. I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow. And uh... wear something... tight." Loki said then turned to leave the room. Jen just stood with her mouth hanging open. Did Loki Odinson just ask her out. There's no way. He probably just wanted to sleep with her. After all his antics with drunk women on the dance floor that evening it was evident to the fact that he had a hook up habit. Jen took a deep breath then headed out of the break room towards the bar. 

Flames of Green (Loki X Lucifer X OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora