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"Babe, look at this one!" I exclaimed tugging on JJ's sleeve, pointing to the picture I was holding in my hand. JJ leaned over my shoulder, smiling as he pointed to it. JJ sat on the couch watching sports, while I dug through a bin full of pictures I had printed.

"That was our graduation day..." He kissed the top of my head. "You were so mad at me that day." He chuckled, I rolled my eyes remembering exactly why I was mad at him too.

"Yeah, because you freaking showed up late and high out of your mind!" I slap his leg as he chuckled. "Man, that was a good high," He reminisced, "Hey look at this one." He said leaning over me and pulling out another picture.

"That was when I moved into my dorm at university," I said as he held it in front of me. I was wearing a sweater JJ had made for me, it had his face on the front and in the back it read JJ'S GIRL in big bold letters. "That sweater was ridiculous." I shook my head, giggling at how annoyed my face was compared to the big toothy grin on JJ's face as he smiled towards my Mom who took this picture.

"I take offence to that, I made it just for you." JJ gasped in fake hurt, I smile up at him. "No! You made it for all the boys at my university, just to make sure they stayed away!" I corrected him.

JJ grins down at me, "I'm happy to say that the plan worked." Leaning over my head and kissing me upside down. I couldn't help but start giggling as the thought of Spider-Man came to mind while he kissed me.

"What's so funny?" JJ laughed at me, pulling back a bit. "You know in Spider-Man..." I didn't even have to finish before realization clicked in JJ's mind, "You nerd." He laughs, eyeing the bin again.

"I don't even know why you printed all of these, we have phones for a reason." JJ moves off the couch to sit next to me, I ran a hand through his hair as he pictures up a handful of pictures and flipped through them. Some going all the way back to our childhood, others more recent.

"Because it's more sentimental looking through pictures, J!" I whined, offended that he questioned my pictures. JJ chuckled, holding up one picture and dropping the rest. "This one's my favourite, Mrs. Maybank."

My eyes land on a photo from our wedding one year ago, as cheesy as this sounds... We had it in the same area he asked me to be his girlfriend, one reason is that it was cheaper... The other being because it was more sentimental.

I know, I know. JJ Maybank got married?! Shocked me too when he popped the question.

"Ah! It's mine too, Mr. Maybank." I placed a soft kiss against his lips, the picture was of us standing at the alter, our first kiss after saying I Do. It really was one of my favourite pictures of us.

"Can you believe that you're going to be twenty-seven next month?" I fake gasp, smiling against JJ's lips. JJ groans, throwing his head back. "Don't remind me that I'm getting so old, Lee B!"

"Hey! You're basically calling me old too, I'm the same age as you dumbie." I flick his forehead. "Yeah, but you're still hot. You don't even look like your age... Which is amazing for me." He winks at me.

"Oooh! So you're saying if I did look like I aged that I'd be ugly then? Hm?" I joked, crossing my arms in fake offence. "I.. No! I didn't mean... No-" JJ stumbled.

I smirk. "I'm kidding! And to be clear, you don't look like your age either. Just as hot as you were years ago." I wink, pushing myself up. "We should clean up, the idiots will be here shortly," I announced, dusting off my pants.

As I bend down to pick up some of the pictures, JJ's hand slaps my butt making me shriek. "Yum." He huskily mumbles in my ear before standing up with me, just as he places a kiss on my neck, we're interrupted before it can go any further by a noise upstairs.

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