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Lena Boggs

          "JJ I swear to god, don't you dare!" Pope exclaims as JJ threatens to drop his camera into the ocean. My legs dangle off the edge of John B's boat, happily accepting the joint that Kiara passes over to me. "Come on JJ, stop fucking with him now." John B chuckles as I glance back at him, he sends me a wink.

John B has been my friend since the fifth grade, he accidentally spilled his apple juice all over my new sketchers which was pretty sad considering that they were the cool light-up ones, anyways. I flipped out on him, threatened to pour my pudding all over his head- That altercation got us into detention, as well as a bat shit crazy friendship.

With John B came JJ Maybank, the two were always together. JJ loved to bug me in the most annoying ways whether it was stealing my pens, which later in life would becoming stealing my beers, to chasing me with worms even though he knew that I was terrified of those slimy fuckers- He still does this one.

But they were my rocks, always there to support me whenever I needed them and I don't think I would have it any other way. Throughout the years we gained two other idiots in our little crew, Pope Heyward whose dad was known for getting you anything you needed, Pope was always crazy smart too... A clear indication that he is going to make something out of his life. Then there is Kiara Carrera.

Kiara is insanely gorgeous, a little annoying with her obsession over saving the planet and what not but overall, I love her. She's a kook, she lives on Figure 8 but that was okay. I don't think I even remember how she started hanging out with us, I think it was around ninth grade? But whatever, she liked us and we liked her.

About a year ago Sarah Cameron, princess Kook, also began joining us on our little adventures. By adventures, I mean getting stoned and going boating but anyways, she started dating John B. It took a little while for us to get used to it, but I enjoy her company too. She's fun.

I burst out into laughter as Pope tries to swipe his camera back from JJ's grip, which ended with him falling face-first into the water off the boat. "Oh, my god!" Kiara laughs as Pope resurfaces.

"Fuck you, JJ. You fucking suck!" Pope snaps as he swims back towards the boat, "Can someone help me up or are you dickheads going to just keep on laughing?"

I try to stop myself from giggling as I lean over the edge and grab hold of his arm, instead though, he pulls me in with him. I shriek, causing me to gain a mouthful of water.

"Pope you dumbass I didn't do anything!" I shout, splashing him. "Oh chill out, it's all fun." Pope shrugs, I turn my face as water splashes up at me as JJ jumps off the boat next.

The next thing I knew, six of us stoners were swimming fully clothed beside John B's boat, laughing and splashing one another. JJ comes up in front of me, as I try to get away, he wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me before throwing me back into the water.

When I resurface, Sarah is on John B's back while they look up at Pope standing on the edge of the boat again. "Do a backflip!" Kiara calls out her focus on him, Pope scoffs. "I can only do a front flip." As Kiara and Pope argue about what trick he should do, I swim towards JJ again. He smiles at me, though adorable dimples coming through making my mood ten times better.

"Are you coming over tonight?" I whispered, JJ's eyebrows raise, and he playful touches a hand to his chest. "Are you trying to sexualize me, Lee?" I can't help but roll my eyes with a wide grin on my face. JJ chuckles, "Yeah. Leave your window unlocked."

There's something I forgot to mention, remember when I said about a year ago Sarah and John B began dating? While around that same time, JJ and I began hooking up. It happened one night after a big fight happened between John B and JJ over Sarah being a kook, he came to my house and snuck it through my window... I don't know who made the move, but it became a thing from then on. We agreed to keep it quiet, and for it to strictly be a friends with benefits arrangement and maybe that works for him, but I have been in love with this kid since the eighth-grade dance when he offered to dance with me after my first rejection.

Heart at War // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now