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Lena Boggs

          Waking up beside JJ Maybank has got to be one of my favorite things on the plant. It doesn't even matter how many times that I wake up to him, it could be the first or the millionth and it would still leave me smiling the rest of the day.

Like today, for example, JJ woke me up around seven in the morning because he had to leave early to head to work. I didn't even care how early it was either, I woke up to few soft kisses on my collarbone and JJ smiling down at me once my eyes fluttered open. It's moments like those that I wish there was a camera rolling on us twenty-four seven so I could re-watch these memories over again.

The rest of the day I spent smiling to myself over the stupid little memory, waiting until I get to see JJ again considering he told me he'd come to see me after work. It's now been an hour after his shift ended and although I haven't seen him yet, I still was over the moon about this morning. He has never, ever woken me up like that before and it made me wonder... Were things finally beginning to change?

"Pope!" I shouted as I approached his house, he was outside working with his father in the garden. "Lena, hey." Pope greets me, I look around him and smile at Mr. Heyward. "Hey, Mr. Heyward! How is it goin'?" I asked him as he stops what he is doing to give me his full attention, I hate to say it but I think I am the only one in our group that Pope's dad likes.

"Oh it's goin' good Lena, how are you?" I can't help my smile from growing even wider, "Oh I am fabulous, thank you. Do you mind if I steal your son away for a while?" Pope turns his head to look at his dad, Mr. Heyward sighs before nodding. "As long as you help me with deliveries, tomorrow Pope." He tells him sternly, I giggle as Pope drops the hose and rushes over to me. "I will Dad, I promise!"

Pope grabs my arm and drags me away quickly whispering, "Hurry before he changes his mind." I laugh out loud as I look over my shoulder and wave with my free hand. "Bye Mr. Heyward!" I called out.

Pope and I made our way down to the beach, "Hey do you find it weird how JJ's been spending more nights at home?" Pope randomly blurts, my eyes widen a bit as I glance over at him. "Uh, what do you mean?" I knew what he meant, JJ never used to go home so often... Usually would crash on John B's couch because he didn't want to go home.

"I mean for a while now he has actually been going home and staying there... Yet there are never any new cuts or bruises on him? I know it sounds bad, but it just doesn't make sense given how Luke is to him." I steal another glance at Pope, he is right. To everybody besides me and JJ, it didn't make sense, it didn't make sense to them because they don't know he isn't at home... He's with me.

"I don't know, Pope. Maybe he just stays out of Luke's way more often? I heard Luke's barely been home these days anyway." I lied with a shrug, guilt eating me alive. I hated lying to my best friends just as much as I hated the thought of Luke ever laying his hands on JJ.

"Meh... It's just weird to me." Pope gives up on the topic as we got to the beach, just as we do... My eyes immediately fall to two surfers in the ocean, and my face drops a bit.

"Oh shit, Kiara and JJ are here too." Pope laughs as he takes off towards the water. "JJ! Kiara!" He calls out to them, JJ sits on his board watching as Kiara shreds some waves. Kiara's focus is lost as she looks towards Pope, falling into the wave she was riding right after.

"And Kie goes down!" JJ shouts, pumping the air as she resurfaces. I stand beside Pope, no smile on my face as JJ laughs at Kiara. The word Kie, replaying in my head over and over again. "Told ya I am the better surfer." JJ slaps Kiara's shoulder before they made their way back to shore to meet me and Pope.

Heart at War // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now