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For the first night, after a long time, it was a calm night. The wolf was able to sleep and hadn't given any whimper from its pain or anything else. Shownu was more than happy to see the fast change just from the medicine.

-A better recovery than this isn't possible, I guess. Thank you, Lyria.-
From one second to another Shownu remembered the sentence Changkyun said to him and hid his face with his hands. He started thinking about it again but still he ends up with the reason that it's just a close friendship.
-It's normal, isn't it? Ahhh, why have you brought that up Changkyun?-
He kinda whined about it and wished Changkyun wouldn't have noticed it and asked him then.

Once again the topic changed as soon as Shownu's phone rang with the number from Kihyun.
"Good morning, Shownu!" Kihyun screamed, more than saying it.
"Good morning, energetic Kihyun," came back as a growling answer, "What's the matter?" He then asked.
"Well, I just wanted to know how you have been. The blizzard was much stronger than expected. I and the others had luck because we have no serious damages on our houses or got hurt. But we all don't know if you got hurt or anything got damaged."
"Oh… yeah that could be a long story by Changkyun and me."
"Wait what! Why? Tell me!"
"It's too long to explain it on the phone. Instead let us meet here?"
"Ok then we will be here in 30 minutes. Luckily we are free now."
"Ah that's good. Then see you later!"
"Yeah see you later. And also Shownu, please be completely awake then, otherwise it could be a much longer talk."
"Will try my best, Ki!"

"Hey guys! We need to go to Shownu and Changkyun now. I asked Shownu if everything is fine but he just answered with a long story. I have a bad feeling about this though…" Kihyun said to the other four.
"Oh yeah, we definitely need to go to them. If Shownu says 'long story' then it is a long story," Wonho replied.
They all packed their stuff and were on the way to the bus station.

"Morning Changkyun, you should get ready now. Ki and the others are coming."
"But why are they coming so early?"
"Kihyun called me and got concerned as soon as I told him it's a long story about what happened with us because he asked how we have been with the blizzard."
"Ahh okay. I will get ready then otherwise he will be more concerned than he already is and that's not needed."
Changkyun stood up and instantly walked to the restroom to look after the wolf.
As he opened the door a little but cute stare greeted him.
"Aww, good morning! I'm glad to see that you are doing better," Changkyun said. Then he closed his eyes and crouched down. He only held his hand forward to kinda symbolise the wolf that he wants to build up a connection with but without touching it.
Changkyun somehow felt as if he were in a dream and not in reality. Suddenly he felt something warm on his hand and it was also fluffy. He opened his eyes and couldn't believe what just happened. The wolf put his head in Changkyun's hand and it closed its eyes too while it was breathing calmly. It was his first connection between him and the wolf, sure he touched it one time before but in this situation the wolf had nearly lost its consciousness. Changkyun stayed calm as well, closed his eyes again and enjoyed this memorable moment as long as possible.
-Do you really remember that I rescued you? But how? Like you weren't fully by your consciousness. Have you still felt the warmth from me? I wished I could ask this but obviously animals can't speak…-

Shownu wanted to come into the restroom and wanted to say to Changkyun that he should hurry up but when he noticed there was no noise coming from the restroom, he just made a little stare through the small gap from the door.

-Woww. Unbelievable. He has got the full trust from it. I need to capture this.-

Even though the wolf must have noticed Shownu because of the movement from his ears, he ignored him and still had its eyes closed. Shownu took out his phone and took a picture from them. After that he left both of them alone again. He went to the living room, took out his phone and wrote Lyria.

-Hey, Lyria! You won't believe what just happened. Firstly the medicine helps and the night was pretty quiet. And now, Changkyun and the wolf both sit in the restroom with eyes closed and Changkyun's hand is on the wolf's head. I'll send you a picture.-
Then he shared the picture, sent the message and put his phone away.

After a few minutes Lyria replied and broke up the silence Shownu had at that time.
He took his phone and opened the chat and read Lyria's message.
-That are great news!!! I'm happy that the antibiotics helps.^^ And omg the picture is so cute and memorable. That's a sign for Changkyun that he had won the trust from the wolf. Keep on with the recovery!-
Shownu smiled and sent a proud emoji and a thumbs up back.

Meanwhile Changkyun and the wolf opened their eyes again and stared at each other. Even though Changkyun wanted to hug the wolf he decided not to do it since it might be a step too early. Anyways this first connection was already a good beginning for the future.

20 minutes passed as it finally rang at the door. Kihyun and the others walked straight forward as the door opened and checked what happened. First they checked Shownu but hadn't seen any injury, then they walked to Changkyun, checked him as well but got concerned when they figured out his injuries.

"How did that happen?" Wonho asked him.
"Yeah, how did you even come to Shownu?" Minhyuk added.
When Kihyun wanted to ask Changkyun something too, he interrupted them.
"I walked through the blizzard to Shownu with a reason."
"And which one?" Hyungwon said impatiently.
"Well go to the restroom then you will see the answer."
"You sure Changkyun, that they should find it out in that way?" Shownu asked, kinda concerned about the idea from Changkyun. As an answer Changkyun just nodded and followed the others to the restroom.

Silence for two minutes appeared and no movement was being seen by the five guys.
"Oh… my… god… That's not real, is it? Changkyun, why is there a wolf?" Kihyun said quietly and hesitantly.
"Let me explain to you all that in detail at the table," He suggested.

They slowly moved back from the sleeping wolf, closed the door carefully and made fast steps to the table then. Changkyun started to talk from the beginning when he heard the weird noises till the end when he lost his consciousness. After he had finished talking his part, Shownu kept on and told them what happened next.
Mixed feelings appeared by all, it was clearly shown by their faces. From disbelief to curiosity even anxiety came up.

"So yeah, that was all that happened. I know how you all are feeling, I didn't feel anything different then you do. But I understood it and I guess, I would have done the same," Shownu said.
"Well, I wouldn't have the courage to actually go right into a battle between wolves. It's crazy and stupid but it was good, I guess," Minhyuk replied.
"I don't know what would be better, rescuing a life or getting to see a life will be lost," Jooheon added.
"I just did what I felt was right. Even though I risked my life, I survived and rescued a life which I will never forget."
"You have made the right decision, kyun. I bet, if you would have let the wolf die you would never forgive that you would have been able to not let that happen. Normally, it's how nature works and you have to accept that but feelings are the reason to make it different," Kihyun told Changkyun with a proud voice.
"Do you have a name for the wolf? Like I know you will let it free when its wounds are healed but still," Hyungwon asked him.
"I'm not sure about that but if I could give it a name it would be Cygnus."
"That name fits perfectly. The wolf was and is still a fighter. All that what it had gone through was hard," Shownu said.

Now it was time to do something else together than talking. Since it was a long time ago they played games together, they decided to catch up now. It was Saturday which means they will play in the night and even longer but planned to at least go to sleep at 2am.
Sometimes Changkyun stood up and looked after the wolf and pet him kindly. He also gave it antibiotics which were in its food and he put water next to it.

"Would you mind if I call you Cygnus?" He just asked without expecting an answer. But suddenly the wolf lifted its head and as it would understand Changkyun it nodded in a way that made him clear it liked the name.
As a thanks Changkyun pet it one more time before he stood up and went back to his mates who were already waiting to play the next round with him.

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