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For all his outer beauty and keen eye for aesthetics, it wasn't a surprise that Jungwon was good at taking photos. The upside was that he was as willing to take photos of Sunoo as he was to take photos of himself, which was another reason on the long list of reasons why Jungwon was the perfect date for the cherry blossom festival.

"Jungwonie, look!"

Sunoo sat up straighter in his seat to look out the window of the high-speed rail as they zipped past the outer zone of the park. From afar the vibrant blush-pink blooms could already be spotted, low treetops adorned with a dusting of pink, like snow on a roof on a winter's day.

"Ah, it's pretty," Jungwon nudged Sunoo to move so he could share the window. He fished around in the pocket of his hoodie for his phone, snapping a picture of Sunoo; he knew the older boy loved candid photos just like this, but the delicate way the mid-morning light shone on his bright hair and bright eyes would be a waste to let go of in its own right.

He'd send this to Sunoo later, who would as usual be excited to have another good photo for his Instagram.

"Next station, Children's Grand Park."

"That's our stop," Jungwon reminded, checking their seats for any items they could have left behind before leaving. "Let's go!" It was early enough in the day that there were not yet huge crowds at the cherry blossom park, and the wide paths were empty enough for them to walk comfortably.

The silence between them was soothing; with both of them extroverted in their own way, moments of quiet like this were few and far between. On both sides of the wide brick-path, neat rows of cherry blossom trees just entering full bloom swayed gently in the wind, setting light petals adrift in the mid-spring breeze.

Sunoo slowed in his walk, Jungwon looking over, concerned as the older boy seemed to wince in discomfort.

"Can we rest for a while?"

"Hm? Sure, there's some benches over there along the road."

Sunoo sank down into the nearest wooden bench, pressing both his thumbs into his temples softly in a circular motion. Jungwon recognised it immediately, the method his mother had taught him from childhood to soothe headaches, which he'd taught to Sunoo years ago.

"Sunoo, are you okay? You're having a headache?"

Sunoo had, once upon a time, had poorer stamina than the younger boy, and needed time to catch up on physical activities. But as far as Jungwon knew, those problems were far behind him, and for the past few years his best friend had been no less healthy than he himself.

"They'll pass soon, Jungwonie, don't worry about me."

Jungwon sat down beside him, letting Sunoo lean into his shoulder as he rubbed comforting circles into his back. The older boy reached into his pocket and removed a bottle of something orange - Jungwon could hear the dull tinkling of pills, but he couldn't see clearly what Sunoo was holding from his position.

Prescription painkillers?

Since when was Sunoo on prescription for pain medicine again?

Jungwon mulled over this newest piece of information. Sunoo recuperated faster with each minute that passed afterwards, and by the fifth he looked as if he was ready to let them continue on their way. "See, I told you it would pass soon! Let's go now~"

"They didn't pass, you took painkillers," Jungwon pointed out. "You didn't tell me you were taking these. What's going on?"

"It isn't anything big," Sunoo answered quickly. "They're my mother's, from back when she had bad headaches. I carry them around with me in case things happen, or if my friends need them, that's all."

autumn outside the post office | sunwonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon