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"Thank you for coming" Darnell hugged Kia. "Anytime" she said. "So what's going on?" They met at a nearby park and began walking side by side. "It's Layla" she folded her arms "what about her" she still gets a little awkward around him. They haven't been alone together since the affair. "She thinks we're still having an affair" he said. "Well that's pretty ridiculous because we aren't" she mumbled. "Yeah I know. I told her that and she still doesn't believe me" she was silent. "Don't get me wrong, what you and I had was special. I don't regret it" she swallowed hard as he continued "but she is my wife and I do love her..." she looked down "but??" He looked over at her "no but's" she finally looked up at him "Darnell, there's always a but" she said. "I don't know if I'm in love with her anymore" she was surprised to hear him say that. "Wait, are you serious?" They stopped walking to face each other. "I our relationship hasn't been the same since the affair. We never gotten back. She will never trust me again and I personally think she's having an affair and trying to make it seem like we are just so that she doesn't look bad" he said. "Well there's only one way to find out. Ask her. Ask her if she's seeing someone" he chuckled "what?" He shook his head "Me questioning her loyalty would only start an argument" she nodded in agreement. "So then what? You just supposed to sit back and have this gut feeling for the rest of your life?" He shrugged. "I don't know Kia.... She starts an argument every single day especially when I'm in the mood for sex. We haven't made love in months" her eyebrows lifted. "Wow...." she looked at him who was rubbing his head. "Maybe you two need couples counseling" he shrugged "I don't know. I have mentioned it before and she doesn't want to" he said. "If Layla is having an affair, do you have any idea who she might be doing it with?" He shook his head not knowing who she would possible hook up with. "Well maybe she's not having an affair" she began to start walking but he stopped her with his voice "wait" she slowly turned around "Chris?" Hearing Chris's name set her off. "Chris?! Have you lost your mind? My husband would never have an affair" she hollered. "Kia, lower your voice" he saw a few faces looking their way. "Don't tell me to lower my voice. My husband wouldn't cheat" she demanded. "Okay... I'm sorry, alright? Just please stop making a scene" he begged. She looked around seeing people looking at them. She sighed before looking at him "sorry..." she mumbled. "No, I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated and shouldn't have brought Chris's name into it" he said. "It's okay, let's go" she said before they continued to walk.

Asher and Vanessa were about to make love when the doorbell rung. "Do not answer it" she mumbled through his lips. He tried his hardest to ignore it but couldn't. "Sorry baby, I have to. What if it's someone important" he got out of bed. "What could be more important right now?" He chuckled as he slipped on his joggers. "I promise I'll finish what I started" she rolled her eyes "I won't be in the mood" she folded her arms. "You better be" he leaned down and kissed her softly before rushing out the room. When he got downstairs he put his shirt on and opened the door. "Sup man" Jordan was at the door. "Hey man, what's up?" Asher was a bit surprised that he was at his doorstep since they're not as close as they used to be. "Can we talk?" Asher invited him inside. He poured them a glass of wine before sitting on the couch. "Wine in the morning?" Asher shrugged "you look like you need it. So what's up? Is everything good between you and Simone?" Jordan sighed "honestly I don't know. That's who this is about. Lately she's been annoyed because I'm playing the game so much but playing the game helps with my stress" Asher understood as he gave him a nod. "My online friend Amber, we are just friends and never met each other, she's going through things with her man and Simone is jealous" he said. "You might not like what I'm about to tell you but maybe you and this Amber girl needs to part ways for the sake of your marriage and spend more time with Simone. She probably feels alone right now. You never know until you ask. Don't be so defensive just talk to her. No one is worth losing your wife over" he said. "I spend so much time with her, I need my space sometimes" Jordan was frustrated. "I get that but right now you have an unhappy wife. You need to make things right even if you think she's being selfish. Take her out on a date or make a home cook meal. Explain your feelings to one another and compromise" Jordan sighed and chugged his glass. "Everything will be alright Bro, and I won't tell anyone unless you want me to, you can trust me" Jordan raised an eyebrow with Asher chuckling knowing he doesn't have the best track record "Bro seriously, you can trust me."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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