Charlton had proposed to allow everyone to watch the live broadcast so that they could sound out the observers' reactions. After all, the person being tortured was Utrecht's son, so any rebels who saw him receive such torment would have some sort of reaction, no matter how little.

However, the Cage boy not only didn't cower in the face of such torment but instead became even stronger. It was as if he was using his body and will to silently tell his companions, No matter how painful it is, we must press on!

The plan was a complete failure, because every person at the scene reacted, including Charlton himself. Their heartbeats sped up, their blood rushed to their heads, and their breathing turned rough.. like they were in heat. A couple of people among the observers had f*cking gotten hard.

The tattoo process continued for a dozen more minutes before the machine arm cleaned up the bloodstains and applied for some hemostatic medicine. But it wasn't over yet, since the tattoo still had to be colored. The material for the color was a special type of poison.

Charlton explained the source of the poison in great detail, but Shang Ke did not listen to him at all. He was in so much pain that his mind was numb. Suffering pain every second, every minute, all he could think of was to quickly end it.

His red-hot skin suddenly felt a burst of coolness, but before Shang Ke could gasp, he once again felt the numbing itch from his right chest, as if there were countless ants on his skin, gnawing and devouring him. Shang Ke hated that he couldn't just scrape off his skin. Compared to the electric shock and laser tattoo, this kind of endless pain was even harder to endure.

The Flaming Red Sky Flower tattoo gradually gained its shape. The smudges of poison were very bright and in varying shades of red, with many layers of petals unfurling to disappear over his shoulder.

He had to admit that this world's torture interrogation methods were not only quick but also very artistic. If he hadn't been the one being tortured, Shang Ke probably would have praised the interrogators over this point.

His torment seemed to last a century, and afterward, Shang Ke became very weak. He leaned his head powerlessly against the chair with his eyes half closed. A layer of fog seems to cloud his eyes, causing them to look blurred and sullen, and creating an entirely different sort of beauty than the blooming Flaming Red Sky Flower on his chest.

While he was absent-minded, he heard Charlton once again ask him a string of questions, but he could only repeat three words-"I don't know."

He didn't know anything, so he shouldn't ask anymore. Allow him to rest for a moment and enjoy the silence, or give him something to drink, let him eat some congee, and so on.

However, the annoying voice continued to pester him by his ear, irritating him to no end.

Let alone Shang Ke, even those who were watching the interrogation felt their mouth go dry. They could take a break whenever they felt like it, but Shang Ke could not. He already had not closed his eyes for twenty-five hours, and his mind had been beaten to the extreme.

Ravel stared at the boy in the video, not moving his sight from the boy from beginning to end, as if he was trying to embed the sight of him into his eyes.

"General, it's lunchtime." Kahn used a communication device to notify Ravel.

"I'm not going to eat anymore." Ravel then faintly added, "If there's nothing urgent happening in the afternoon, then don't disturb me."

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