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4,738,992 likesY/N: you are the most beautiful human being on this planet

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Y/N: you are the most beautiful human being on this planet. this day is for you enjoy it. cheers to 23

happy birthday mi amor
view 748,839 comments
@tydollasign: happy birthday kehlani

@mamay/l/n: baby call me

@cliffdagod: y/n call me or text me back

@kehlani: thank you.. call me when you get a chance please.. i love you so much.

i know they all missed me but i needed this time.

Gabriella texted me about preforming with her live today. at first i said no but then i thought about it. i'm tired of just making so many songs because i can't sleep or have nothing to do i need to do this... want to do this so i told her yes.

i walked upstairs and threw on my honey hoodie on and slipped on my slide because i told my stylist to meet me at the arena. i grabbed my keys and walked out the house.

i got in the car and started heading that way.

halfway there my phone was ringing. i looked at it and it was my mom facetiming me. i sighed and picked it up.

when it connected i heard a gasp and 3 other faces besides my mom got in the camera behind her.

" hey ma" my voice rasped out.

" y/n baby where are you i've been worried sick.. we all have" she said.

"i'm safe is all you need to know... i have a roof over my head and food in my stomach.. i'm still in cali but just not home" i explained.

" can you at least stop by the house so we all know your good" my mom asked.

" ma-"

" please" she said cutting me off.

i sighed i have to pass her house anyway.

" okay okay" i said getting off the at the exit.

" thank you baby" my mom said.

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