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I can't see you but I know you are sulking...

You know me too well Kookie...taehyung chuckled raising his head from his boyfriends chest to meet his gaze...

They both were in their lovely apartment,laying on the bed,enjoying each others company....jungkook cup his boyfriends cheeks,caressing it softly with his thumbs....

need not to worry love,you know I don't like to see you sad..

I know,it just..we've never been apart,the fact you will be leaving tomorrow for 2 weeks doesn't feel right with me,I will miss you....tae answered with a pout decorating his pink lips...

Jungkook made him sit up,sitting him comfortably on his lap as his back was resting on the bed board....he stared at his boyfriend,whose beauty never fail to captivate him,his eyes fell on his lip wanting to kiss the pout he did...

(Tae on jk's lap)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(Tae on jk's lap)..

The kiss was soft and not fierce like how they use to whenever they crave each other madly....taehyung knew anytime jungkook kissed him like this,it was to express how much he feels for him so he kissed back ever so softly,wanting to pass the same message to his black haired boyfriend...

Jungkook sucked on his lower lips,his hand on his waist pulling him closer,if that was possible...they both were melting and their hearts wanting to explode...taehyung wrapped his hands around jungkook's neck,titling his head to make the kiss deeper...he was going to miss this...when they both felt the need to breath,they pulled away,their forehead resting on each other...

Tae....jungkook called ever so softly and taehyung just hummed...

Am gonna miss you too,I wish I could cancel but you know I have to....I will make sure to call you every now and then,hope you will be available to pick my calls....

Why won't I be kookie,I will be waiting for your calls,always...

I love you tae,a lot...jungkook said with a smile..

I love you too kookie...taehyung answered with the same smile...a lot he added before capturing his lovers lips again with jungkook kissing back,just that this time it wasn't soft like the first,it was fierce and they both understood what they wanted...(let's just say,tae is about to get wrecked)...

(Hmm well,it the first chapter,not gonna write smut,but I definitely will later...)...


Tae,jimin called sighting his best friend from afar....the two best friend had shoot today,it was for the company they work for in Japan..New clothes and jewelries were made and it their job to model in them...

HEIR(taekook)√जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें