What do you feel like?

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"Hello, Loki. Missed me?", Thanos asks sarcastically as Loki looks around the ship.

"What are you doing here?", the god asks, fear lingering his voice.

"I killed Thor", he points to the body "and I killed every single Asgardian on this ship."

Loki takes a look around and indeed, there are bodies everywhere. Tears grow in his eyes as he looks over at Thors dead body.


"Because you didn't do what I told you to do. So I took everything from you. Because you deserve it. You deserve to be alone, Loki."

"Loki?", he hears a familiar voice calling for him. Mobius. He turns around but he can't see the agent.

"Loki, wake up!"

The god sits up in his bed. His face is wet from tears and he's soaked in sweat. It was a dream, nothing was real. Loki told himself that over and over again, trying to catch his breath.

"Nightmare again? Wanna talk about it?"

"Yes. There was Thanos.", his breathing starts to get out of rhythm "and he killed Thor and everyone from Asgard", he adds, crying again.

"Hey, hey Loki. Its okay. You're in your cell. Nothing of that happened, okay? I'm here with you.", Mobius resures the god.

He receives a small nod from Loki.

"Okay, breath with me."
He starts slowly breathing in and out. His hand lies on Loki's chest, pulling it up with each breath in and pushing down when they breath out. The god eventually calms down.

"Thank you, Mobius."

"No problem. You should take today off, okay? Just try to relax. I'll take your work"

"Are you sure about that? Thats a lot of work.", Loki really doesn't want to stress Mobius with his work.

"Yes, I'll be fine. Just relax, let me handle it", the agent gives him a resuring smile and then leaves the room.

Loki has been thinking a lot about what Mobius said. That he's in love with him. But he still doesn't know if he is in love with Mobius. This is all to complicated for him, how the hell do you know when you're in love?

Its all he thinks about the whole day, he doesn't have anything else to do. How is he supposed to find out? No one here has a partner as everyone is way to caught up in their jobs to think about anyone else, yet grow feelings for someone. The only one he could ask is Mobius.

Loki has been searching the agent everywhere, but he can't find him. He is already on his way back to the cell when he walks past B-15.

"Hey, do you know where Mobius is?"

"Oh, yes. He's on a mission. He should be back in about 20 minutes. Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Thank you", B-15 gives him a small nod before she continues walking. The god decides to just return to his cell, thinking about something to do while he waits for the agent to return.

**** 30 minutes later ****

Lokis POV

I hear my cell being opened. Immediately I sit up hoping it was Mobius so I can talk to him, but it was just B-15.

"Hey Loki, you wanted to talk to Mobius earlier?", She asks.

"Yes", I answer curious. She's acting a bit strange.

"Uhm he's in the medical wing", she replies. In the medical wing? What happened? I stand up, a bit to fast as my vision gets blurry for a second, wanting to storm out. B-15 holds me back on the way.

"Don't worry. He is okay, just a few cuts from a fight, no need to hurry. I just wanted to tell you, whatever it is you want to talk about.. it seemed like something important to you.", she explains.

"Am I that readable?", I'm not that obvious am I?

She chuckles a bit "Yes, you are. Now go, get whatever is on your mind out", she smiles at me before taking a step aside.

"Thank you", I say as I leave. I had to ask a few guards for the way. The TVA is huge and everything looks the same, it's hard to find anything here. How do they bare to stay here all their life? I'd be going insane. I kind of am.. already. Whatever.

I knock on the door once I finally reached my destination. I hear a nurse call me in, at least I suppose it is a nurse.. I open the door and Mobius is not here.

"Where's Mobius?"

"Oh I'm sorry, we sent him to his apartment to rest. You'll probably meet him there", she says with a apologetic look on her face. I just nod and walk out again. I walked more today than ever. This man just can't stay at one place long enough for me to find him.

I walk to his apartment, once again having to ask guards for the way. This is a hell hole. I knock on the orange door. I hear steps approaching and then the door is being opened.

"Oh, hi Loki. Everything alright?", Mobius asks, worry written on his face.

"Yes, I'm alright. I just wanted to talk to you. May I come in?"

"Uh yeah, sorry. Of course", He says, stepping aside.

"So I was wondering, what does it feel like to be in love?", I ask as I sit down across from Mobius. He looks a bit suprised at the question, but he eventually seems to think about an answer.

As nothing comes back, I add "You know, like when you're around me. What do you feel?"

"I feel good. When I'm with you, I feel good, always. No matter how I was feeling before. And I also feel a bit more relaxed, more safe", he says. I write everything down.

Mobius POV

"Are you making a list?", I ask Loki a bit amused, as he writes my answer down.

"Yes. I'm trying to figure out if I'm in love with you or not. And I don't know what this kind of love should feel like", he explains, waving his hands from me to him "so I write it down and then I'll see if I feel like that."

It's adorable, really. It makes me happy to see that he tries to be a better person. And that he tries new stuff.

"I think thats a great Idea. But keep in mind, just because I feel like that when I'm in love, doesn't mean you feel the same things when you're in love", I try to explain to him. He looks surprised, overwhelmed and a bit annoyed.

"What? Why? How am I supposed to know then?"

"Look, Loki. You'll know. Just give it time, don't stress it to much and don't try to force it." I give him a small smile as to try and comfort him a little.

"But what if I don't love you? That'll hurt your feelings. I don't want to hurt your feelings", he looks at me with worry in his eyes.

"Yes, I would be a bit hurt, I'm not going to lie to you. But that won't be your fault. Its just how it is. Don't worry about it, okay? it either is or it isn't. And if it isn't, I won't blame you. I promise.", I give his hand a little squeeze before I stand up to refill my glass with a bit of water.

"Want some?"

"No,  thank you. I'm gonna go back to my cell. See you tomorrow", he says before hurrying out. Wow, that was a reaction. I don't worry much about it, instead I take my water and turn the TV on, enjoying the rest of the evening.

Authors note//
If you have any tips or wishes on how the story should continue, feel free to tell me :)

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