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At the club

Ira was drinking  after one by one.  Aamir went to her and place a hand on shoulder. Ira remove his hand  and said

Ira- oh mr.  Aamir singhania has come to holy this place.  Welcome  mr aamir singhania what do you want to drink after seeing me like this. I am sure you came here to celebrate  your victory  for destroying me again.  Bartender,  give this mr.  Alchol and  add that into my bill.

The bartender  gave a alchol to aamir but he did not pick the alchol.  When ira see this,  she pick the  alchol and put into his mouth.

Ira - now happy.  Now you can go.

Aamir-no,  you will also go with me.

Ira again started drinking ignoring his words,  then aamir pick her up on his shoulder and led her to his car . Once they reached mansion,  he led her to their room.  On reaching their room,  she asked

Ira - aamir,  tell me,  am i not a good person.  Why all people are betraying me and leaving me.  I should not live.  I should die  .

Aamir  - do not said these things.  U are a good person.

Ira - why did you betray me?

Aamir suddenly get dizzy  .

Ira - tell me,  aamir.

Aamir - i never betray you.  My mom suddenly  asked me to broke up with you but i did not break up with you instead of her threating that she will commit suicide  . If i did not do that.  But when she see that i did not leave you.  She cut her wrist  . Doctor said to not to give her any pressure or she will die.  I did  not want to lost her.  My dad left me and i did not want my mom to leave me.

Ira - what about me? Did you ever think of me?

Aamir  - pumpkin plz forgive  me.  Plz,  i know that  i cannot do anything,  i..  I just can ask your forgiveness.

Ira - get out from here.  Never show me your face. 

Aamir -but..

Ira - i said get out.

Then alas aamir went out from there.

So how was the chapter. Plz vote and comment  . And tell me about your views that what should be the punishment of aamir.  Maar diya jaye,  ya chod diya jaye 😂😂. Thanks for showering me so much love till now.  Thank you.  Now this story is going to end in 3-4 chapters.

I want to upload  the chapter of  'Inseparable ' tomorrow  on my birthday  . But i have to go to city for the celebration  of my birthday  if i got time then i will upload it tomorrow.

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