Chapter 4

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The dance was a month ago.

Keegan and I were still going strong. He was adorable and sweet and he made me laugh. He also didn't try and guilt me into spending time with him when I needed to study.

Tonight, we were at the football game together, watching the last home game of the season. They were undefeated, just like the soccer team, but the soccer team didn't get nearly as much attention. Keegan didn't even complain about that. With the win, that was guaranteed, they'd move on to the division championship, then regionals and then finally, state. They'd be three-peats. Back to back to back state championship winners.

Reggie looked so good in his uniform. Those tight white uniform pants did nothing to stop my imagination. And I was holding Keegan's hand while I was doing it.

Things with Reggie had proceeded to get weirder. Sometimes it felt like he was maybe even... flirting with me. He smirked and winked, things he'd never really done.

He also hadn't had another girlfriend, which for him was.. strange.

Keegan and I were huddled together for warmth. I had a hot chocolate in my hand but it wasn't making me feel any warmer. Keegan had his arm around me and was holding me close.

Despite my still, ever strengthening, ridiculous crush on Reggie, I really liked Keegan. Our physical relationship had been progressing. And I was ready to have sex with him, not because I was in love with him, but because I was ready. I didn't value my virginity. I wanted to learn about sex and be good at it and I wanted to experience it.

And Keegan was the right guy. He was sweet and cared about me and the few times we'd fooled around more than kissing, he'd actually made me orgasm. Before, I thought 69 was just a position people did in pornos or talked about, not in real life, but it had been surprisingly easy in the back seat of his car. And it was the only way we could fit. I'd been self conscious about being on top of him with my stomach, but he'd been sweet, and when his tongue had licked through my slit I'd never known anything could feel like that.

I'd come twice.

And had my first taste of semen. And I was pleasantly surprise when I didn't vomit.

Did girls actually enjoy it?

Who knew. Maybe it was an acquired taste. I was definitely going to have to ask Alicia.

Tonight, after the game, Keegan and I were going to skip the after party. I was going to take him home and lose my virginity. Mikey would be going to the diner and then Jared's for a party. Dad and mom would be leaving for a long weekend as soon as the last whistle of the game blew.

I'd be alone in the house. And despite, Reggie having Mikey under control, I couldn't risk doing it at a time when he might come home. And I knew for a fact he wouldn't be coming home tonight.

I hadn't told Keegan yet, but I was sure he wouldn't object.

"Did you file all your early acceptance applications yet?" He asked when it was finally half time and we were standing in line at the concession stand.

"Sent them out this morning," I smiled.

"Such a nerd," he teased making me smile.

Being with Keegan was still... nice. But nice was good. Nice was easy and made me laugh and smile and feel good.

It wasn't the burning passion I'd always dreamed it could be, but I enjoyed his company.

"Just because I'm not a slacker doesn't make me a nerd."

"Valedictorian," he whispered in my ear huskily making me bark out a laugh and lean in to him. He was so cute.

I wished I liked him more. But I was already plotting our breakup. And I was a horrible person because it genuinely seemed like he was into me. And I liked him but it would never go beyond a simple high school romance. If it wasn't over before prom, it would be after graduation.

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