The Trap

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"So what are we going to do?" asked Clover, as she paced up and down on the carpet of the spies' penthouse lounge, where the girls had reconvened to discuss what action they had to take if Trent really did have the magic lamp

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"So what are we going to do?" asked Clover, as she paced up and down on the carpet of the spies' penthouse lounge, where the girls had reconvened to discuss what action they had to take if Trent really did have the magic lamp. "Just walk up to Trent and say 'Hey Trent, fancy you becoming a millionaire! By the way, is your girlfriend a genie?' He's hardly likely to admit to any of that!"

"Well, he needs to be told of the danger he might be in," pointed out Sam. "If Dash Dawson realises that Trent has the lamp, he's bound to come after it again."

"And if Dawson gets that lamp, we'll be in serious trouble!" added Alex.

"Hey chill out, you three!" said Daphne calmly. "The important thing is we know where the lamp is. If we perhaps explain to Trent that it was stolen and should be returned..."

"Something tells me it won't be as simple as that, Daph," said Clover. "Things rarely are in this job."

Just then, Sam's compowder began buzzing and as she opened up the gadget, the holographic projection of Jerry's face appeared, with an uncertain expression on his face.

"Girls, we just received an anonymous phone call from someone claiming to have seen Dash Dawson. Apparently he's hiding out at an abandoned chemical factory on the outskirts of L.A."

"Hey, that sounds promising," said Alex elatedly. "We should check this place out fast..."

"Hey, hold on a moment, Alex," said Sam, before turning back to Jerry's hologram. "Jerr, just how 'anonymous' is this source?"

"Very anonymous," said Jerry seriously. "He gave no name or details at all. I'm a bit worried that this could be some kind of diversion or trap."

"Just what I'm thinking," agreed Sam. "And if we're busy chasing down this lead, who'll be watching Trent? We've got good reason to suspect he has Mr Freeman's lamp."

"But if we don't chase up this tip, we may lose any chance of nabbing Dawson for good!" pointed out Clover.

"I've a suggestion," piped in Daphne. "Why don't Sam and I check out the factory, while you two keep an eye on Trent? That way we can cover both targets."

"Good thinking, Daphne," said Sam. "Okay then, Clover, you and Alex keep watch on Trent, while Daphne and I check out this factory."

"Fine," said Alex. "But just be careful out there, okay?"

"Yeah, first sign of trouble, you call us straight away. Agreed?" said Clover.

"Sounds fair to me," said Daphne. "Let's just hope our 'mysterious caller' is on the level. I'd hate to think we'll be go to some grotty factory for no good reason!"


A short time later, Sam and Daphne flew over to the old factory on their Jetpack Backpacks, glided through a hole in the ceiling, and landed gracefully on the dusty floor inside the building. The whole structure was showing its age with crumbling brickwork and cobwebs all over the place. Around the two girls were large tanks and rusty walkways in various states of disrepair, while from one corner, a family of frightened mice ran out, shooting past the spies.

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