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YU is ready to go to college. He put on his clothes, used a watch on his left hand, sprayed perfume around his neck, grabbed his backpack and put a phone in his bag. Before leaving the apartment, YU did not forget to take 1 bottle of water and put it in his bag. After making sure there were no items left behind, he came out of the apartment.

Unsusted, this time YU used the elevator instead of using the stairs. He pressed the down button towards the basement of the apartment. YU headed to where his car was parked. A black Mercedes Benz GT is parked in the corner. For the first time YU went to college in his car. He opened the car door, put his bag on the side seat, started the car engine and immediately went to campus.

On the way to campus, YU's phone rings. YU glanced at his phone and it was Belle. He immediately uses his airpods and picks up Belle's phone.

"YU, get ready. Zack and I will pick you up soon." Belle said.

"You don't have to pick me up. I'm already on my way to college. You can go straight to college too. I'll wait for you in class." Answer Yu

"Are you currently with Sam?"

"No, I'm alone."

"Okay, see you in class. Bye." Belle hung up.

18 minutes later YU arrived at the campus parking lot. He parked the car and zack's car showed up. Zack puts his car next to YU's. YU gets out of his car, followed by Zack and Belle.

"Wow.. Yang Yu Teng. After all this time you finally use your car." Zack said. Zack already knows if YU has a car. It's just that YU doesn't want to use it.

"Finally 'Crazy Rich Nagoya' appeared too. Why are you using the car today? Want a date?" Belle teased YU.

"Stop teasing me. I just want to use it. Is it not allowed? Let's go to class." YU said.

They walked to class. They have Prof. Tian class. They only have 1 class. After that they are free and there is no more class. YU plans to take his friend to eat and watch a movie. They haven't been together in a long time.

When they want to get into class, YU's phone rings. Only a new number appears on his phone screen. YU remembers this number was the number that called him on Sunday morning before leaving with Sam. YU hesitated to pick it up. Belle asks who it was from, but YU doesn't answer it. YU tells Zack and Belle to go to class first because YU will pick up his call. Zack and Belle obeyed him.

When YU wanted to pick up his phone, the phone call stopped. 1 missed call. YU tries to ignore the call and puts the phone in his pants pocket again. But when he wanted to enter the class, the number contacted YU again. Because the number has been called him 3 times, YU thinks it maybe an important call. YU finally answered the call.

"Hello." Answer YU. But no voice was heard behind the call.

"Hello. Who is this?" YU tries to respond again. But it doesn't heard anything.

Because there is no response from the call, YU hang up the call. Is this a prankcall? YU finally entered the class because the class will start in 5 minutes. YU immediately sits next to Belle and Zack.

"Belle, do you know this number?" YU shows Belle the number he just called.

"No, I don't know this number. Is he bothering you?" Ask Belle.

"No. This number called me 3 times but no voice was heard. You didn't give my number to those girls, did you?" YU guesses that Belle has given his number to female students who like YU.

"No. No. I didn't give anyone your number. Your new number is just for the family, me and zack." Answer Belle.

"Or maybe that's Sam's number?" Zack's guessing.

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