It was difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that she lost all three of them. The heroes were by her side, and they protected her from the very beginning. Luna would never have a special bond they way she had with them ever again.

But the one thing Luna had to realize was that Steve did what he needed to do in order to have a fresh start and live on happily, and that was something Luna needed to do for herself as well. She wanted to have a fresh start with Peter, to be happy with him and to be very much in love.

However, things like this would only take time.

Both Luna and Peter had to be patient.

"You ready to go?"

May's voice cut through Luna's thoughts as the girl turned away from the view of the lake. She nodded and slowly walked up to the car with her arms folded. Pepper was standing there, a sad smile on her lips as Luna approached her.

"Thank you so much for staying here and helping me with everything." The woman expressed her gratitude. "You've made things a lot easier for me to deal with."

"It's my pleasure." Luna replied as she took Pepper's hand, giving it a squeeze. "Call me if you need anything. I'll always be here."

Pepper let out a shaky breath as she nodded, interlocking her fingers with Luna.

"Tony would be so proud of you." Pepper's voice was unsteady as she tried holding in tears. "He always was and still is."

Her words poked at Luna's heart, and it took everything in her not to start crying all over again. It was all she's been doing lately.

"I'm raising my daughter all alone now, but listen to me when I say I'm going to try like hell to make sure she grows up to be as brave and kind-hearted as you are."

The brunette bit her quivering lip as she hugged Pepper, her eyes glossy.

"You are never alone, Pepper. You were always there for me and now I'm going to be here for you." Luna told her. "Tony isn't just proud of me, he's proud of you and the beautiful daughter you guys have together. Don't raise her to be like me. You raise her to be strong, fearless, and courageous just like you and Tony. That's how you will raise her. She has the best mom in the world."

Pepper let out a quiet sob as she held the teenager.

Moving on to live her life without Tony was no doubt going to be the hardest thing she would ever have to do. Her daughter was going to grow up without her father, and that broke Pepper's heart in more ways than she could explain, but the woman knew she couldn't give up now. She had Morgan to think about, and that was her #1 priority.

"Good luck with everything." Pepper got herself together as she pulled away, reaching up to wipe her tears.

"You too." Luna replied.

"Don't be a stranger. I would love to see you come around if you would like."

"Of course." The girl nodded.

The two parted ways as Luna made her way to the car, waving at Pepper before slipping inside the car where Peter was already waiting. May and Pepper exchanged a few words with one another until the woman finally got into the driver's seat and started the car.

Peter was in the front seat, his eyes glued to the trees as they drove away from the cabin, leaving Pepper and Morgan behind to start their lives with just the two of them.

Everyone had to get used to their new beginnings, but Luna wouldn't have it any other way.

She had Peter back, and that was all that mattered to her now. Her only focus was being by his side again and starting new.

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