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The next morning, Melody woke from the sun shining in through the windows

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The next morning, Melody woke from the sun shining in through the windows. Her bare shoulder warming as the sunlight hit her. Her head was laying on JJ's bare chest and she smiled as she remembered the night before. She could still feel the throb in her lower regions and though it was sore and still hurt a little, she couldn't be happier. It had been quite a while since she was last active so it's no shock it was like the first time all over again.

She could still feel traces from where JJ's lips feathered her body. It warmed her heart just remembering how sweet he was during the entire experience. He asked permission before the major parts and he made sure to be careful not to hurt her. But once they got comfortable with each others bodies, they worked perfectly in sync as if they were made for each other.

There was a loud knock on the door causing Melody to jump and JJ to jolt awake. "We've got to go check on Kie and Sarah guys!" John B called out to them through the door, not daring to open it.

JJ groaned, not wanting to leave bed. He was perfectly content just being there with her, in each other's arms. His heart swelled thinking of the night before. He peaked his bright blue eyes opened and looked at his beautiful girlfriend who was already staring at him with a small smile on his face. "Good morning, gorgeous." He greeted. Melody smiled and carefully sat up, wincing in pain. JJ narrowed his eyes worriedly. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

Melody shook her head. "I'm okay, J. This is normal." She giggled at him. "We should go soon though or Kie will literally decapitate us. And I would like to still be able to look at your sexy head attached to your sexy body."

JJ sighed, knowing she was right. The two eventually got up and Melody quickly went to take a shower. After she got out and felt clean again, she got dressed and joined the boys to wait on JJ. John B and Pope were smirking. "How was he?" John B asked her, wiggling his eyebrows. "Was he big?"

Pope gagged, not wanting to know the answers. "Did he at least use protection?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

Melody froze, not remembering because that was something she didn't even pay attention to. Instead of answering, she just shrugged. She trusts JJ to not be an idiot and at least be careful.

Soon, the blonde guy in question finally came outside, his hair still a little wet from the shower he just took. "You three ready to die?" He joked.

Melody groaned, knowing that Kie was going to be really mad at them if her and Sarah didn't reconcile.

The four walked over to the deck and hopped into the HMS Pogue, John B driving it off into the Marsh. When they made it, they saw Kiara and Sarah patiently waiting on them, their arms crossed and blank expressions on their faces.

"Uh-oh!" Pope joked as they grew closer.

"You forget your keys or something?" John B yelled out.

"You guys need a tow?"

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