The Rise of Tsuki

Start from the beginning

"You'll make a perfect skin suit for me to hide in, kid!" the sludge villain gurgles.

Izuku screams and tries to run away, but a thick mass of sludge surrounds him and starts rushing down his throat.

"Don't worry, I'm just taking over your body! It'll be easier for both of us if you don't fight back! It'll only hurt for a minute, you'll feel better soon!" he says menacingly.

He can't... breathe!

"Thanks for the help, kid. You're a real hero to me."

Izuku can barely move. His mind is getting foggy. He can feel sleep creeping in.

He's just about to lose consciousness when the villain suddenly slackens its grip. A familiar voice booms, "I AM HERE, to apprehend that villain!!!" 

It's All Might!!!

The villain attacks All Might but the muscular hero pulverizes him with a single punch. All Might is about to take off, leaving Izuku on the ground, when the small boy grabs his arm.

Words start rushing out of Izuku's mouth.

"All Might, I'm your biggest fan! My dream is to become a hero just like you! Do you think I can become a hero even though I don't- I don't have a quirk?"

"Without a quirk? Sorry, kid. Some villains just can't be defeated without one. Why don't you become a police officer or something? Of course, the police course is kind of obsolete now that we have heroes. It'd be perfect for you!" he suggests. "Well, I must be going now! Goodbye, young citizen!" He takes off.

Izuku stands there for a minute, stunned. His dreams crushed, just like that. If the number one hero himself doesn't think he can be a hero, there really must be no chance.

With a heavy heart, Izuku resumes his walk home. He's about a quarter-mile from his house when he catches a glimpse of a giant pillar of smoke rising from up ahead. Izuku starts to run to see where it's coming from. His feet carry him back to his house, which also happens to be the house that's gone up in scorching hot flames! Fire trucks and policemen line the street. Izuku feels his heart drop as he listens to the fireman's radio: We found the body of Inko Midoriya. She isn't responding. We think it's excessive smoke inhalation. There is no sign of her son, but he should be presumed dead. There's no way anyone could survive these flames. 

Izuku's mom is dead. His mom is dead! What is he supposed to do now? He's only eight! he can't go into foster care. Nobody will adopt a quirkless loser like him. Izuku only has one option. He escapes the commotion of the street and runs in the direction of the abandoned warehouse he found earlier. He drops his backpack and curls up on the concrete floor. Izuku hated his mother, but nobody deserves to go like that. He hugs his knees closer to his chest and wipes away the tears he didn't give permission to fall. Why didn't the heroes save her? Now Izuku is pissed at his mother and the heroes. Would they have saved him if he was in that fire? Probably not. He's poor and quirkless, the scum of society.

Izuku will show them. He'll show them all that he can become extraordinary even without a quirk! Heroes are tainted by money and fame. Izuku only wants to save people. He'll be better than any hero, he'll be a savior!

(Present Day)

Izuku wakes up around seven in the afternoon to start his daily patrol. He usually only operates during the hours of the night to reduce the chance of being captured by heroes. Or, worse, the news. Due to this, the people have given me him his vigilante name, Tsuki, meaning 'the moon'. Izuku has been watching over the poorer parts of the city for about five years, taking on low-tier criminals and working his way up the ladder. Now he can take on villains that even the pros have difficulty with. And all without a dumb quirk. 

Vigilante, Not Villain (Undergoing editing-- Don't worry about it)Where stories live. Discover now