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(We just gon call him laroi since that's what everyone call him even tho his name is Charlton)

Tuesday ..10:35am

Omincent >

"Baby eat ur food" larois mom Audrey said as she sat down and began digging into her bowl of chicken and broth.
Laroi stared at his food not wanting to eat since they've been eating the same thing for the past 2 months but that's all that the poor family had considering the job his mom works at doesn't pay her enough to buy the things that they needed.

Everyone he was four he always noticed how he only had one parent instead of two. He remembered watching other kids at the park run around with their mom and dads while he just sat there in disappointment.
He wanted to know who his father was and where was he now.
When he first started school none of the kids liked him since he didn't have anything not even a cellphone.
Kids would make fun of him everyday for not having the things they would have such as brand new shoes,iphones,iPhone, expensive name brand clothing Luke Gucci or LV.

Growing up he realized he had to start a hustle to keep him and his mom straight.
So he started working at a restaurant called olive garden.
But that soon stopped when he got caught stealing money and food for his mom after he would starve for a couple of days straight.

He figured he needed to eat something atleast so he wouldn't die of starvation.
"Ma I'll be back I gotta take care of something " he said as he pushed his chair back and gave his mom a kiss on the forehead.
"Be safe baby" he heard his mom say as he made his way out the door his bag on his back.

He wasn't sure what he was finna do but he had to figure out a way to get some kind of money considering the rent was due next month and his mom only had half of the money for it.

The boy was sp confused about himself he didn't know his sexuality,he didn't know if he liked girls or boys or well Both .

He seemed to have liked boys,everytime he would see a cute boy he would stare them down but the girl to him were way different.
Girls always tried to get with him but he turned all of them down and that seemed to confuse him alot which lead to him not knowing what he liked.

He also had girl parts but he always wore baggy clothing to hide it. He never wore a tank top in his life due to him having enormous boobs and a nice round plump butt with a set of fat lips down there...ya know what I'm talking bout....

He walked into the local corner store he always went to to get him a little snack so he could say he ate something.
"Wassup kid" his good Ole friend onika said as she handed him a drink.
He thanked her and took it and opened it taking a gulp of the sweet juice.
"How u been holding up boy" onika asked as she prepared his usual  which was a egg,cheese and bacon burger.
"I've been alright just trying to get some easy money for the rent next month"
He said as he stood waiting patiently for his food.

"Here u go baby and make sure u tell yo mom i said hey for me" she said as she handed me my food and another drink.

Onika was a nice young lady she wasn't rich but u could say she had somewhat  lots of money.
She gave laroi free food since she knew what he was going through, so she helped as much as she could.

"Alright" he said as he walked out the store.
He noticed a group of random boys sitting outside of a fresh white Mercedes smoking a joint.

"Wassup slime" one of the boys said.
"H-Hey" laroi said as he kept walking.
"Aye whea yhu going cmere let's chop it up fo a lil " he said patting a spot next to him.
The boy slowly walked over there as he took a seat next to the mysterious man.

Ight this da first chapter I think this was good so far

Stay tuned for more 🤍

Start time:  11:20

Finish time: 12:55


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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