Part 8

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Wensday 29th October 8:00am


Jade woke up to a horrible sound coming from right next to her. She turned off her alarm and remembered that she wasn't at her house and that it was a school day. "Fuck me" She thought out loud.  "What?" Tori, who was awake but was too tired to move, asked.  "nothing"

Jade got up, she realised she couldn't just wear the exact same thing she wore yesterday so she started looking through Tori's closet picking out something that could fit her. She prepared everything and started changing, when she finished she looked over at Tori who was staring wide eyed at her body. "Enjoy the show?" Jade looked at her with a smirk. Tori, very clearly embarrassed, hid her face under the covers. Jade laughed and went downstairs to make herself some breakfast, even though this wasn't her house but she didn't care.

Tori was left in the bedroom still embarrassed that Jade caught her staring. She slowly got up and looked around, Jades shirt that she didn't wear was on the floor, Tori decided that she was going to wear the shirt, after all Jade did steal some of her clothes so why not steal back.

Downstairs Jade was making herself a bowl of breakfast when Trina came down, "You stayed the night here? I thought you hated Tori". "Yeah well it was still raining so I had to stay." Jade lied, she knew she could have called someone to come pick her up but she kind of liked the idea of staying at Tori's house. 

After they had all eaten breakfast they went to school. On the way there, while Trina was driving, Jade and Tori sat in the backseat. They had barely spoken since they woke up and it was kind of awkward, mostly after Tori had seen Jade change. Once they got to school Jade told Tori to go in first since she didn't want anyone to know that she had spent the night at Tori's. 

Wensday 29th October 7:32 pm

That afternoon Jade called Tori to thank her for letting her spend the night at her house. Even though Jade didn't want to admit it she liked spending time with Tori, she felt safe when it was just Tori and her. She hoped that she would get a chance to be alone with Tori again. 

She finished all her homework and even managed to get in some time to study before 8pm so she decided to upload a video to the slap. It was singing video and after twenty minutes it already had 150 likes so she was fairly proud of it. She hoped Tori would like it. She started thinking about her again, she was starting to develop a small crush. Jade already knew that she was bi but had never told anyone except Cat, she was really accepting. She wondered if Tori felt the same way about her, she thought about telling her but then came to the realisation that Tori might think it was gross or weird. What if she was homophobic? What if she told her and then Tori exposed her to the whole school?  She didn't want to take that chance so she decided that she would keep her feelings a secret for now.  But also what if Tori actually liked her, i mean she was looking at her while she was changing, and when they were in the janitors closet they almost kissed. Jade didn't know what to do so she messaged Andre. She hadn't talked to him in a while but she trusted Andre, he's always been a good person. He responded immideatly.

To Andre:

Jade: Hey. 

Andre:Hi :)

Jade: Sorry I haven't talked to you and Robbie in a while. It's just that i'm still not on great terms with Beck and you guys hang out together a lot so yeah

Andre: It's okay 👍. Tori told me you apologised for calling her a whore and stuff

Jade: Right so about Tori

Andre: What about her? 

Jade: You're kind of like her best friend so do you know if she might be a little 🏳️‍🌈?

Andre: Oh I have no idea shes never mentioned any interest in girls. oooohhhhhh... waittttt why do you wanna know?????

Jade: Its not what you think. I was just curious

Andre: suree suree. listen i wont interfere between you two. your secrets safe with me 

Jade: I don't like tori.

Andre: of course you dont 😏

Jade: this conversation is over. bye

Jade turned off her phone, and put her face in her pillow. She regretted asking Andre, mostly because she didn't like his answer but also because now he knew that she had a crush on Tori. Shes ever mentioned any interest in girls, what if she doesn't like me? Jade was hurt, she couldn't do anything about it. She cried realising that this might not be a small harmless crush but rather an unrequited love. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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