"We're going to go to the beach!" I told everyone excitedly. I'd wanted to go since we moved over here, but it's obviously colder than Florida and you can't go to the beach anytime.

I could've sworn I saw tommy have a scared look on his face, but it was probably my eyes playing tricks on me.

"When are we leaving?" Karl asked

"Uh I guess like 30 minutes? When you're done eating go get changed and then we can leave. We'll be there for a few hours and get lunch there as well"

Tommy's POV


The beach?

It was hard enough that one day at the waterpark, but the beach!? That was just a disaster waiting to happen.

I grabbed my swim shorts and swim shirt out of my drawer and headed to the bathroom to change. I decided to keep my binder on so no one would suspect everything

I looked through my drawer again to see if I missed any of the shots, but there were none. I'd have to tell someone so I could get more

Karl's POV

We were all ready to go within 15 minutes, and all climbed into the car. Dream was driving and Tubbo somehow got shotgun, Wilbur, Sapnap, and George were in the second row, and I was squished in the back between Ranboo and Tommy.

"I call music!" I said and connected my phone to the car through bluetooth

I shuffled my liked songs on Spotify and Falling by Harry Styles came on

The drive wasn't that long luckily and we quickly got to the beach

There weren't a lot of people so we just put our stuff down in the sand

I placed my towel down by the ocean and sat there, enjoying the sound of the waves chasing by the dock further down the shore

The beach has always been one of my favourite places, especially when there's basically no one around and you can just sit by the water and listen to it

But the peace couldn't last forever. Tommy and Tubbo were racing into the water

"Ah shit! This is cold!" Tommy screamed as he was about knee-deep in the water

Tubbo was standing next to him and shoved him, submerging him in the cold water. Once he got up, he tackled Tubbo, knocking him into the water as well. They both started laughing and looked at each other like they were plotting something

"Hey Ranboo! Come over here!" Tubbo shouted

Sapnap came over and sat beside me, putting his arm around my shoulder

"You okay?" He asked

I sighed before answering him, "yeah. Just thinking"

"What're you thinking about?"

"Well... look over at them" I said and pointed to the boys in the water

Tommy was sitting in the water and as Ranboo walked over to him and Tubbo, he jumped out of the water and knocked Ranboo laughing

"What about them?"

"They're having so much fun, it reminds me of..." I trailed off

"Of what?"

I sighed again, "of hanging out with my siblings. We used to always have fun and hang out together, I miss those days"

"They could come and visit sometime"

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