5: Mila Kunis vs Rihanna

Start from the beginning

"What about you Mal?" Xander asked

Mal rolled her eyes, "If I answer will you stop talking and focus on the movie?"

After we all agreed to Mal's request she gave us an answer, "No, I think its only gonna end one of two ways: either one of you catches feelings and the other doesn't, ruining the friendship, or both of you catch feelings, date, breakup and ruin the friendship. It's why we have The Rule."

We came up with The Rule a couple weeks after forming our little friend group. In order to prevent any complications between us, we weren't allowed to sleep with or date each other. So far it's been pretty easy to stick to it.

"Agreed. So 3 for and two against." Said Xander after hearing Mal's response.

Hunter gave me a shocked look, "Wait. Izzy is for?"

"I said it depends on the person. Now shut up and watch the movie."

I could see Mal hit Hunter's knee before he could try and continue the conversation.


I woke up the next morning with my head laying on Xan's chest. After the movie ended last night we drank a lot more beer and got into a heated debate over who was hotter between Rihanna and Mila Kunis. In the end Rihanna won and we must have fallen asleep in the lounge because I don't remember anything after that.

I got up slowly and looked around the room. Hunter was passed out on the floor and Mal had her feet on Atlas' head as they slept on the couch. I tried to make as little noise as possible as I headed to the bathroom to have a shower.

It wasn't uncommon for us to sleep over at each other's places, in fact, it happened quite often. I turned on the hot water as I placed my towel on the rack. The warm water soothed my aching muscles from sleeping on that couch last night.

By the time I got out the shower and got dressed, everyone was up. Xander and Atlas were making breakfast while Hunter cleaned the lounge with Mal.

"Good morning sleepy heads." I said as a came out my room. I had put on a pair of jeans and a sweater as I had a 10 a.m. lecture to attend.

"Good morning Iz." Xan said as he flipped a pancake. I didn't even know we had the ingredients to make pancakes.

"Mmm Xan that smells amazing." Mal said as she entered the kitchen with the empty bowls from last night.

"Not as good as your gourmet deliveries though, I'm sure." He responded

Mal smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Oh please, you know you're my favourite chef."

"Yeah, me too." Atlas said, mockingly repeating Mal's gesture and planting a kiss on Xan's cheek.

I grabbed a pancake from the plate next to the stove and took a bite of the warm and delicious food. I had 10 minutes to get down to campus for my lecture.

"Hey! We're not done yet." Atlas yelled as I grabbed my bag.

"Sorry guys I got to go to class. I didn't want to leave without trying one, they looked so good." I headed out the door and walked as fast as I could to my lecture hall. I was probably going to be late but nothing in this world would motivate me to run.


My lecture ended 3 hours later and I headed to the Law lawns to meet Atlas like I usually did on Fridays. He had an 11 a.m. lecture that ended the same time as mine, Hunter had a 1 p.m. lab and Mal and Xander had Fridays off.

The lawns were a grass covered section on campus behind the Law Library. Birds often flocked there and it was very serene and beautiful. Atlas and I shared a loved for nature. While I chose to take the scientific route and study the biology and chemistry behind it in order to protect it, Atty chose to go the legal way and specialise in Environmental Law.

I sat down on the grass next my friend and took in the fresh air and sunshine.

"You excited for the party tomorrow?" Atlas asked me.

"Definitely, I'm so ready to be done with this block." I answered. "Have you seen how many decorations Hunter and Mal got? It's insane."

"Yeah we probably shouldn't have sent them alone. I'm pretty sure they're not even going to fit in our place"

The guys threw a party at the end of every block to celebrate. Most of the time it got really crazy with people we didn't even know showing up. Booze and bad decisions were always present in the bucket loads at these events but it was a nice way to celebrate surviving another 2 and half months of university.

"I hope that girl from last time doesn't show up." I said." The one who kept telling everyone that she was too hot to be at such a lame party. Like okay, then leave."

Atty laughed as he remembered the egotistical girl who showed up at the final block party last year, "Well she did keep saying she'll never come to these lame college parties again so hopefully we won't have to hear her complain."

Atlas and I spoke about outfits and pregaming for another half an hour before leaving the Lawns. We agreed that we would all meet at the guys' place for shots before everyone showed up.

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